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changing intro, start location, how too


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I have scoured google and downloaded as many mods as i could in the hopes to find a how too in too things for a complete conversion that I am working on.


One. I have seen it before were people have changed the map that flows through the oblivion into menu How was that done I need to change that to fit the needs of my conversion.


two. I have downloaded several alternative start locations but have yet to figure out exactly how it was done. all the tuts that seem to be out there is for stuff i have already figured out.


My mod is called the Wages Sin Pay.... It is a graphic portrayal of Earth that literally is in its final generation of existence. It is a world wrought with criminality, debauchary and decadence. ruled by no government but powerful families, guilds, syndicates and gangs.


the story and most quest have already been done and will be released little by little in chapters like a book.


I need to have the character select pull up the first time were you will play a young child an orphan for the first part of the game. than in the second part you will need to create your adult character. So i need to have character select screen 2.


I have already created all the graphics. I will not be altering any ingame graphics meshes, textures. and I have dled a load of other peoples esps that i will be converging in my modd such as eyecandy, no psychic guards, better barter, quest leveling. This will allow me to focus on the story. and recreating the cities.


That is a sub question I have. I saw once a long time ago that some one made a esp that was empty so that you could quickly make a total conversion modd does anyone have any idea where that is. Thank you very much for your time.


1. making alternative start up points how to guide

2. making a main menu and alt menus for your total conversion. (I do not need to change anything except the graphics to fit the mood of the game.

3. a already deleted ready to use file for increasing productivity in creating a total conversion.


thanks in advance

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