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Skyrim crashes at loading screen?


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Hi, i have skyrim for the PC and i probably have about 50 mods installed, every time skyrim crashes at the loading screen after i try to enter the game, i dont know how it happens because i have heard people say they have 100+ mods installed with no issues. Can someone enlighten me on the situation?


Im going to add that i tried a clean install, and it works fine on vanilla but the second i add any mods and try to enter the game it CTD on the screen with the interactive statue.

Edited by Thodstan
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I'm having the EXACT SAME problem, and I I have only a few mods installed! (about 6-8 total) Anyone with a resolution? Would be most helpful!! 215 hours of gameplay are flushing down the toilet before my eyes!!
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CTDs are due to corrupt files, conflicting mods or missing files.


Verify the files and defrag if necessary.


Browse to your Skyrim installation folder ("drive letter":\Steam\Steamapps\common\skyrim\) and run the following installers:


...\Steamapps\common\skyrim\DotNetFX\dotnetfx35set up.exe

...\Steamapps\common\skyrim\VCRedist\vcredist_x86. exe

Reboot your computer and test any issues again.


Note the above, Steam and Skyrim should not be installed in Program Files - if it is uninstall and reinstall out of Program Files. See the uninstall info below.


Try in compatibility mode - Vista SP2.


Make sure no USB devices are plugged in or "on".


Check DirectX is up to date.


Check your sound card settings - update the driver, settings should be 16 bit, 41000K Hz. Try other settings as well if this does not work. 24 bit, 44100Hz is the other recommended setting. Turn off front speakers if not in use.


Make sure video output is not to two screens, cloned or extended. Set it to single screen


Update the video driver - if AMD/ATI card use v 12.1 or 12.4 - not 12.2 or 12.3 of the CCC.


If it still persists then start shutting off the mods one by one and testing to see if the game starts.


If this does not fix it, then start thinking reinstall.


If uninstalling, follow one of the following to ensure whatever is wrong is deleted and you get a clean reinstall;





Edited by Tidus44
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I came across this thread earlier, when I was experiencing the same problem. The fix didn't work for me, however, so I am left with disabling dungeon/quest mods until a fix is found. From the looks of it though, it's a problem with the CK and not the mods in question for the most part.



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  • 1 month later...

There is no one reason for crashes. I have been working on a help document for troubleshooting them.

Here is a link to my mods troubleshooting blog on my own site.



Currently still under construction - any suggestions will be appreciated. As the site is only open to comments by invitation, please make your suggestions by PM (Private Message) at the Nexus.

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  • 3 months later...

I am not sure if this will work for you but for me it was my idiotic self for downloading a cracked version of Dxtory ( a recording software ) for some reason it was conflicting the Skyrim file. Delete Dxtory completely if you have it cracked.


Banned - TVD.

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