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Skyrim crashes at loading screen?


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  • 2 years later...

I'm having the EXACT SAME problem, and I I have only a few mods installed! (about 6-8 total) Anyone with a resolution? Would be most helpful!! 215 hours of gameplay are flushing down the toilet before my eyes!!

one of your mods require something and there for if you dont have it the game crashes iv had that problem before so id make sure to check your requirements

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Hi, i have skyrim for the PC and i probably have about 50 mods installed, every time skyrim crashes at the loading screen after i try to enter the game, i dont know how it happens because i have heard people say they have 100+ mods installed with no issues. Can someone enlighten me on the situation?


Im going to add that i tried a clean install, and it works fine on vanilla but the second i add any mods and try to enter the game it CTD on the screen with the interactive statue.

When you lunch skyrim go to DATA FILES and turn off the suspicius mods! (sorry bad english)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

hi, so i had like a total of 70 mods running smoothly on my skyrim game then suddenly the FPS started to really slow down so i deleted some mods to see if that helped the FPS when it didnt i decided to delete all my mods and saved files to start from scratch, now my game crashes on the first loading page when i start a new game, i check on the NMM plugins list and the skyrim.esm,Update.esm,dawnguard.esm, hearthfire.esm and dragonborn.esm are checked but when i open the skyrim game the skyrim.esm is missing in the data files im new to pc gaming and am totally lost ive looked everywhere and tried everything to stop it from crashing but i dont know what to do anymore, i desperately need help. T-T

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