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Argonian and Khajiit Vampire Eyes Missing


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So I was using a mod which gave the glowing eyes from Dawnguard to the beast races. It was technically for Skyrim LE, but it worked fine on SE without issue. However, I recently decided to try some different eye textures for vampires which did not have a glow so to match the new humanoid and elven vampire eyes I uninstalled the glowing eye mod. To my surprise my Argonians and Khajiit now have soulless pits of despair where their eyes should be when they become vampires. I've tried downloading different texture replacers to no avail. Can anyone help me figure out the issue here? The mod I removed was https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21996.


P.S. I have tried this on completely new saves just to be sure it wasn't an issue with that and I still get the issue. Just thought I'd throw this information in there in case it's useful.

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