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Problems Interacting with the world


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When I play my game, my character cannot interact with most objects in the world (Grindstones, chairs, forges ect.). When I press "E" the camera goes to third person and nothing happens. My character will just stand there for a few seconds and not do anything until I regain control over him. After the that, the camera stays in third person and I can't change it back unless I reload the save. I can interact with some things like chests, weapon racks, doors ect. It didn't happen when I originally played the game. I am pretty sure a mod caused this problem, but I have wiped all my mods, and even reinstalled the game on steam, but the problem still persists. I think I might have to start a new game, but I have come so far that I don't want to until I have no choice. I emailed Bathesda tech support twice, but they suck and haven't replied in over two weeks. Please Help!!!!!!!!!!
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