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The data on your power supply should be on the back of the computer case. Or in the list of Specifications that should have come with the computer. If it' brand name with its original Power Supply, If you look it up on google by Name and model number you can find the specifications - or post the model number and brand here and I can look it up.


Try lowering your video settings. use the minimum settings just for troubleshooting. With the lowest settings, your video card will not draw as much power and your processor will not have to work as hard.


Have you run the disk cleanup and defrag yet? If you need instructions on how to do them, let me know.


Eventually removing mods will eave you with just Oblivion by itself. If it still crashes you may have to reinstall. If you do, please look at my recommended procedure located here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/TheStormRavenLibrary/forum/235233/


It's under intermediate help, so you will have to register to see it. Registering is free and is just to keep out the spammers.

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