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CTD's while placing settlement items. LO attached.


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Somewhere along the way, I've done something with my LO or install to where after a few minutes of placing items in Settlement mode, I'll CTD when placing an item. It's never a specific item, although I've done it extensively with CREAtive Clutter.


I've tried LOOT, ensuring I have no dirty edits and anything else I could think of to no avail.


Here's my LO. I really hope someone can help me figure out what's going on.


0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
254 FE 0 ccgcafo4005-factionws05hrpink.esl
254 FE 1 ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl
8 8 HUDFramework.esm
254 FE 2 Clarity.esl
9 9 SimSettlements.esm
254 FE 3 ccbgsfo4056-dglabb.esl
10 a ArmorKeywords.esm
11 b Worsin's Garage.esm
12 c Snap'n Build.esm
254 FE 4 UitFJ.esl
254 FE 5 CROSS_CryoLance.esp
13 d LooksMenu.esp
14 e OA_LootableMaterialsCrates_vanilla_mergedDLC.esp
15 f ReGrowth Overhaul 10.esp
16 10 Autumn Overhaul.esp
17 11 ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp
18 12 Weightless Junk and Stuff.esp
19 13 ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp
20 14 ImmersiveScrapping_SeasonPass.esp
21 15 OWR2_CraftableDecor.esp
22 16 OWR2_CraftableDecor_CW.esp
23 17 CBBE.esp
24 18 SettlementMenuManager.esp
25 19 SupplyLinesPlus.esp
26 1a ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp
27 1b Armorsmith Extended.esp
28 1c clothingoverhaul.esp
29 1d PIP-Pad.esp
30 1e LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
31 1f ClothingOverhaulSP_XB1_PC.esp
32 20 el_precursorsuit.esp
33 21 ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp
34 22 BobbleGirl.esp
35 23 KSHairdos.esp
36 24 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
37 25 ExtendedHairColors.esp
38 26 LessIntenseImageAdaptersNoDoFallDLC.esp
39 27 DYNAVISION.esp
40 28 IndustrialCity_Sim_Settlements_Addon.esp
41 29 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
42 2a BetterSettlers.esp
43 2b BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
44 2c SettleObjExpandPack.esp
45 2d TheMobileMechanic.esp
46 2e Crimsomrider's Phantom Of Far Harbor.esp
47 2f Crimsomrider's Convenient Resources.esp
48 30 One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp
49 31 Sporty Underwear.esp
50 32 Perk Magazine Material Fix.esp
51 33 DogmeatHelmetsAndHats.esp
52 34 Crimsomrider's Accessories.esp
53 35 BP VIS patch - Crimsomrider's Accessories.esp
54 36 EFF.esp
55 37 AA Better Companions - No Conflicts - Accuracy Beta.esp
56 38 SaveAcadiaFromBoS.esp
57 39 CompanionTracker.esp
58 3a 3DNPC_FO4.esp
59 3b ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp
60 3c ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp
61 3d The Castle.esp
62 3e MojaveImports.esp
254 FE 6 CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp
63 3f HAIA A.esp
64 40 FaceMaxson.esp
65 41 MadKea-01.esp
66 42 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
67 43 Eli Armor Compendium AE VIS Patch.esp
68 44 CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon_AWKCR_Opt.esp
69 45 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp
70 46 RaiderOverhaul.esp
71 47 EBW-Merged.esp
72 48 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp
73 49 ScrappableLegendariesUniquesFO4andDLCs.esp
74 4a Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content-VIS.esp
75 4b AutomatronThinkTandy.esp
76 4c AutomatronWheelLegs.esp
77 4d AutomatronSDTank.esp
78 4e VaultBoyTurret.esp
79 4f SuperAffinity.esp
80 50 cindyffxv.esp
81 51 NoAffinityCooldown.esp
82 52 MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp
83 53 AutomatronClaptrap.esp
84 54 AutomatronSecuritron.esp
85 55 EPO.esp
86 56 LargerMoon.esp
87 57 CartographersMapMarkers FarHarbor.esp
88 58 CROSS_eyepatch.esp
89 59 DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp
90 5a MoreCustomEyes.esp
91 5b MoreCustomEyes2.esp
92 5c WIPAG_Decal Station.esp
93 5d WIPAG_Paint Garage - Full (Easy).esp
94 5e WIPAG_Power Armor Overhaul.esp
95 5f 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp
96 60 RecruitableSettlers.esp
98 62 AnotherBrickInTheWall.esp
99 63 LevelersBunker.esp
100 64 Leaders Of The Commonwealth.esp
101 65 CheatTerminal.esp
102 66 JibsResidentialAddOnPack.esp
103 67 Altairp's Animal Farm.esp
104 68 CartographersMapMarkers NukaWorld.esp
105 69 ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp
106 6a More Smarter Companions Mod.esp
107 6b ESAFC_Cait.esp
108 6c Edit_Hancock.esp
109 6d MSCM Hancock facepatch mod.esp
110 6e SuperMutantAmericanFootBallArmor.esp
111 6f SS_AddOn_CbC_AIO.esp
112 70 DistantBlurRemover.esp
113 71 Vivid Waters.esp
114 72 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp
115 73 Mercenary.esp
116 74 Synth Overhaul.esp
117 75 Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp
118 76 Synth Overhaul - White Patch.esp
119 77 DOOMMerged.esp
120 78 Armorsmith Elianora.esp
121 79 sisterofbattle.esp
122 7a WattzLaserGun.esp
123 7b CartographersMapMarkers Commonwealth.esp
124 7c ImprovedBoS.esp
125 7d Heavy BoS.esp
126 7e KmartRadio.esp
127 7f SimSettlementsAddOnPack - RaiderRefugees.esp
128 80 SanctFixedBridge.esp
254 FE 7 CROSS_BreakActionLaser.esp
WIPAG_Paint Garage - Full (Hard).esp
129 81 strong_PA.esp
130 82 tumbajamba Advanced Engineering.esp
131 83 strong_PA - tAE - AWKCR.esp
132 84 dcc-dialog-helm.esp
133 85 MonsterHunterSwords.esp
134 86 LongerPowerLines3x.esp
135 87 ImprovedBoS-MarineArmour.esp
136 88 ChosenOne_nolevel.esp
137 89 ReGrowth - Settlement Lawn Mowing.esp
138 8a LegendaryModification.esp
139 8b LegendaryModification2LM.esp
140 8c LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp
141 8d LegendaryModificationGroknak.esp
142 8e LegendaryModificationMisc.esp
143 8f LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp
144 90 LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp
145 91 dD-Enhanced Blood.esp
146 92 NearFogZeroExteriors.esp
147 93 Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
148 94 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Autumn.esp
149 95 Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
150 96 Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
151 97 Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
152 98 extendedLightsWS - No shadows.esp
153 99 ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp
154 9a ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp
155 9b ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp
156 9c ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp
157 9d ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp
158 9e ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp
159 9f ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp
160 a0 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp
161 a1 Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
162 a2 SLR.esp
163 a3 SettlementLimitSlashedFarHarbor.esp
164 a4 woodysWastelandStuff.esp
165 a5 Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
166 a6 Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
167 a7 Lots More Facial Hair.esp
168 a8 LooksMirror.esp
169 a9 LMBTOverlays.esp
170 aa MiscHairstyle.esp
171 ab MoreBeards.esp
172 ac MoreHairstyles4Female.esp
173 ad MoreHairstyles4Male.esp
174 ae officersRevolver.esp
175 af ruined_simsettlement_addonpack.esp
176 b0 SS_Addon_PbPP.esp
177 b1 SimHomestead.esp
178 b2 PCDugBuildAWall.esp
179 b3 home_improvement_all.esp
180 b4 WVSimSAddon.esp
181 b5 SimSettlements_AddOnPack_Foundations_JtBryant.esp
182 b6 SimSettlements_AddOnPack_Utilities_JtBryant.esp
183 b7 SSAOP_SamutzVault88.esp
184 b8 Hamed04 Sim Settlements Foundation AddOn.esp
185 b9 PCDugWedges.esp
186 ba Sandbag Fortifications - Version 2C.esp
187 bb DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp
188 bc LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp
189 bd HN66-SiriusArmor.esp
190 be Automatron Helmets Fix.esp
191 bf Randomized DC Guard Outfits.esp
192 c0 TDS_PA_WWII_Paints_Literust.esp
193 c1 ChineseStealthSuit.esp
194 c2 FV20_RSS.esp
195 c3 DV-Deadly Vertibirds.esp
196 c4 DV-No Levelled Vertibirds.esp
197 c5 SurvivalOptions.esp
198 c6 Loot Detector.esp
199 c7 More Where That Came From - Classic.esp
200 c8 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
201 c9 BrighterSettlementLights_ExtraBrightv1.1.esp
202 ca Quad_Accelerator.esp
203 cb Quad_RAWLauncher.esp
204 cc Quad_Technetronic.esp
205 cd PIP-Pad_LMCC.esp
206 ce NMC Bundle HIGH.esp
207 cf AQUILA.esp
208 d0 OWR2.esp
209 d1 OWR.esp
210 d2 InstitutePowerArmor.esp
211 d3 Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
212 d4 IcebreakerCDO-Settlements.esp
213 d5 BLGUNS.esp
214 d6 HobbyHorse.esp
215 d7 HobbyHorse_LL2.esp
216 d8 RS_Sim_AddOn.esp
217 d9 3DNPC_FO4Settler_SimSettlements.esp
218 da Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content.esp
219 db Commonwealth_Spartan_Redux.esp
220 dc CREAtiveClutter.esp
221 dd FrisbeeMineR.esp
222 de ReducedEnergyRecoil.esp
223 df SimSettlements_Addon_VaultLand.esp
224 e0 OCDecorator.esp
225 e1 OCDecoratorDLC.esp
226 e2 OCDispenser.esp
227 e3 StartMeUp.esp

Edited by Zero_Phoenix
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