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Ownership Problems


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I am using autolooter by Eldiran. When an npc dies it takes from them whatever is in their container, all too often it is tagged as stolen, or a different mod {unknown what it could be} is tagging it's ownership. The end result is that I have an inventory full of stolen items. My character is not being played as a thief. Killing a bear results in my inventory having stolen bear claws and pelt. Can anyone help?
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I've got about 60+ mods going right now. It could be one mod or interactions between possibly. Still would hate to have to scrap the character and start all over. I don't really want to bloat up the save file with items I would have to abandon, some of those I need. I'm only guessing that it is the autolooter script that is doing it. The UI I was using didn't flag anything as stolen on the screen, it was when I went to get it out of a chest (I'm a packrat & try to sell all the junk at one time) that I found about half of it showing up red.
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