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Make some Weapons unusable in Power Armor


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I had this idea for a while : I wanted to make some Weapons unusable in Power Armor (Modded and Vanilla). It's just for the Immersion but I've always seen this as very unrealistic that you can use a weapon like a deliverer or some smaller/older weapons with Power Armor. Is there a way or a mod that can do this? Maybe a Keyword or a Flag that I can set with the Geck?

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After a bit of Research i might be found a way to do this, It's in the Vanilla game so it might be just a Keyword and for an Experienced modder it should be not that hard to tell me which keyword it is. You can't use some Weapons while in Power Armor as example : The Power fist and also the Deathclaw Gauntlet. There must be a way to make the Same with other Weapons or iam wrong here?

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