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Power Armor Night Vision (STALKER style.)


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I am really surprised that after all these years no one has made a mod that adds night vision to power armors. I am really disappointed and surprised by this. I really suck at software or I would have made one. I would LOVE to see a mod for at the very least the more advanced power armors like the t60 and x01 to have night vision. And even better, night vision as shown in the STALKER series! Please! Someone! Make my Dreams come true! =^(




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These are available without adding mods from Nexus or Bethesda. Your stats need to be up though for some. It's not specifically what you asked for but they can be used for similar purposes.

  • Targeting HUD - Visor highlights living targets.
  • Internal Database - Increases Intelligence.
  • VATS Matrix Overlay - Increases VATS hit chance.
  • Rad Scrubbers - Removes radiation from consumed food and water.
  • Recon Sensors - Sighted Aiming marks enemies with a compass pip.
  • Sensor Array - Increases Perception. I haven't found anything that actually adds night vision to Power Armor , I would use it if someone did make it.
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Use fading signal's west tek optics. It adds custom goggles with night vision / thermal vision and PA head piece customization. The vision mode can be toggled/cycled by hotkeys as well. Only quirk is equipping a goggle or entering a PA with such modification automatically activates the night vision mode which you can just toggle off.
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