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Forsworn Briarheart Problem


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Hello Everybody,


So as the title says I have a problem with the Forsworn Briarhearts.

They don't swap their armor to the empty model, when you take their heart,

I tried pretty much everything to fix it:

I checked if it was a problem with the model or the texture, I also tried to rename the script folder and start Skyrim without SKSE.

I tried to uncheck all mods and I tried different savegames. No Luck so far!


You guys are my last hope before I reinstall everything,

I wouldn't like that at all, because I managed to get over 100 mods together without any big glitches.

Maybe someone has an idea.


EDIT: I reinstalled Skyrim, but the Briarhearts didn't change. I gues it's Savegame related.

But so far only a new game could fix the bug.

Of course I don't want to begin a new game, because of a little bug like this, since Im on level 51 and not done with the mainquest.



Here is my modlist (I just uploaded it to the first imagehoster I found)




Any Help would be much appreciated.

Edited by Festiloth
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