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can someone make aINF soul traper?


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im after a soul vern (or something like that) that sucks in all the souls u dont have gems for.


and latter u can go in and fell up the right soul gem with the right souls. (or u can keep gathering souls tell the soul-gatherer feels up... (i got sick of never having enough soulgems to fell or i have a lvl 5 soulgem fell up with a pretty soul instead of a lvl 5 soul


but anyway this is what im asking for....

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if you become some sort of "soul reaver" what would you need soul gems for then?


and oblivion mod comes to mind. you were able to fill soul gems and recharge your weapons from your own inner soul energy...at an outrageous magicka cost, of course

but even that made soul trapping a moot point, except for bigger souls, namely those of humanoids

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true, just use that soul Vern to Enhance items and weapons.. and more then one would trapped in there.. u can keep reusing the item intell theres nomore souls in it...
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