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Gliding batman cape in NV like in FO3?


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I was wondering if there was any way to port the functionability of the batcape from Ashara's batman and catwoman mod from FO3 (when wearing the batcape you could glide by pushing the J key and using the mosue and up arrow to steer) to use with the ported version of his mod for FONV? The NV version is awesome (no glide) but after playing FO3 with the glide function I just had to ask someone experienced. Is there a technological boundry prohibiting it? Anyways links are below feel free to sound off...


FO3 link W/ Glide ability


FONV link No Glide ability

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  • 7 months later...
There is a way, you just have to port it. if I knew how to port stuff I would be honored to do it since SydneyB herself said that its fine to port the glide abilty to the NV version. and I too have played with the ported costume and stuff, and your right, with no glide ability it kinda feels empty. the porter of the mod originally said he would put the glide function in but then, to put it lamens terms: he got a life and became too busy. And so the version thats out now is final. and i asked sydneyb if she would ever buy NV even though its very cheap now. and she just has no intention whatsoever to buy NV and Mod it. Like I said though. I would love to do the porting cause I have a lot of time on my hands. the thing is.. this involves scripting. I tried to port it before but then failed. but if there's anyone willing to message me and talk to me about it that knows what they are doing and stuff I'm positive this port would make the NVNexus front page in no time. Edited by VaultBoy540
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@ VaultBoy540 thanks for the response. I'd thought this topic was dead and gone by now. I have little to no knowledge of scripting myself or I'd try and give it a go, but time to learn how these days seems to conflict with my schedule. If you do get a method working that'd be awesome, and if so please let me know in the future I would love to use it in FNV. I wish you the best of luck getting some advice on porting scripts, it definitley doesn't sound like the easiest of things to figure out.
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  • 2 weeks later...

OK so this is the script;



scriptname AsharaGlideScript

;equipa la capa adecuada y comprueba si quieres planear o aterrizar

Short TeclaPlanear
Short TeclaAterrizar
Short Choque
Short TiempoAnimacion

Begin GameMode
;comprueba si tienes FOSE instalado. Si no, no hace nada
Set AsharaFOSETester.ReqVersion to 1
SetStage AsharaFOSETester 0
If AsharaFOSETester.Installed == 1	;FOSE instalado

; comprueba si tienes una de las capas equipada. Si no, no hace nada
	If player.GetEquipped AsharaBatcape == 1	;la capa normal está equipada

; comprueba si has apretado la tecla para iniciar a planear
		If IsKeyPressed AsharaJumpKey != TeclaPlanear
			Set TeclaPlanear to TeclaPlanear == 0
			If TeclaPlanear	;tecla planear apretada
; equipa la capa extendida
				Player.UnEquipItem AsharaBatcape 0 1
				Player.RemoveItem AsharaBatcape 1 1
				Player.AddItem AsharaBatcapeGlide 1 1
				Player.EquipItem AsharaBatcapeGlide 0 1

; ejecuta el efecto de planeo
				player.AddSpellNS AsharaBatmanGlideEffect

;ejecuta la animación de planeo si estás en 3ª persona
				If IsPC1stPerson == 0
					player.CastImmediateOnSelf AsharaPlayGlideIdleEffect


	ElseIf player.GetEquipped AsharaBatcapeGlide == 1	;la capa extendida está equipada

;hace que ejecute la animación de planeo cada cierto tiempo
		If TiempoAnimacion < 90000
			Set TiempoAnimacion to TiempoAnimacion + GetSecondsPassed
			If IsPC1stPerson == 0
				If AsharaCambioVelocidad == 1
					Player.CastImmediateOnSelf AsharaPlayGlideIdleEffect
					Set TiempoAnimacion to 0
					Player.CastImmediateOnSelf AsharaPlayGlideFastIdleEffect
					Set TiempoAnimacion to 0

; comprueba si has apretado la tecla para aterrizar
		If IsKeyPressed AsharaLandKey != TeclaAterrizar
			Set TeclaAterrizar to TeclaAterrizar == 0
			If TeclaAterrizar	;tecla aterrizar apretada
; equipa la capa normal
				Player.UnEquipItem AsharaBatcapeGlide 0 1
				Player.RemoveItem AsharaBatcapeGlide 1 1
				Player.AddItem AsharaBatcape 1 1
				Player.EquipItem AsharaBatcape 0 1

; desactiva el efecto de planeo
				player.RemoveSpell AsharaBatmanGlideEffect
				If IsPC1stPerson == 0
					player.CastImmediateOnSelf AsharaPlayResetIdleEffect

; comprueba si te has chocado y has de acabar de planear
		If Choque == 1
; equipa la capa normal
			Player.UnEquipItem AsharaBatcapeGlide 0 1
			Player.RemoveItem AsharaBatcapeGlide 1 1
			Player.AddItem AsharaBatcape 1 1
			Player.EquipItem AsharaBatcape 0 1

; desactiva el efecto de planeo
			player.RemoveSpell AsharaBatmanGlideEffect
			If IsPC1stPerson == 0
				player.CastImmediateOnSelf AsharaPlayResetIdleEffect
			Set Choque to 0

	EndIf	;fin capa equipada
EndIf	;fin FOSE instalado




It doesn't help that the comments are in Spanish, but it's probably not a big deal since it would just be copied as is (assuming there's nothing in the FOSE functions that would choke NVSE...and I think that's a pretty safe assumption). TedMani the author of the NV version has said no one can use his mod in any way, so even though adding glide would be relatively easy (I think, it's just an effect and the above quest script) it doesn't look like we can make that happen unless Tedmani makes an exception. Why don't you guys message him and see if he will consider it. If that fails the only option would be a full port of the fallout 3 version.

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Good to know it's even possible, I'll have to look into trying to contact them. I'll look into learning how to port mods from FO3 to NV, maybe I'll have some luck if granted permission to try. Thanks for the info at least, hopefully something comes of this because it would be bad a$$ to fly around NV without using a jetpack, the controls for gliding in FO3 were so simple it was nearly flawless. Edited by SKYZOO
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I agree they were flawless, but for me i have more fun in Vegas then i do the capital wasteland. idk why i guess its a more realistic experience imo. as for the author of the port, i don't think it should matter because the creator of the FO3 version already gave her support, she told me in the endorsments area that i am more than welcome to try and make a port. thats more than enough for me. lol untill we can get a good scripter doing this, i suggest the heroes mod on nexus. its not amazing, and i wish i knew how to use the flight script in that. but its better then just walking around. only problem is that you have to use tgm in order to land. otherwise you can die. i've landed before but thats because i have a crap-ton of stimpacks lol i try to avoid tgm if i can, never was sure if it disables steam achievements or not.

as for the thread being dead lol it was, i was gonna write my own then i remembered most forum rules that u should probably search first so i did and found yours. lol

Below is the convo i had with the author of the FO3 version about porting and stuff. You'll have to read from bottom to top though cause i copied and pasted from the endorsements area from the batman mod. As of this date My comments are on page 2.







Hi VaultBoy,


Check the Nexus Wiki for tutorials, search on the internet and ask people on the New Vegas forums. I've never modded for new Vegas so I cannot help you there.

posted @ 8:59, 24 Sep 2012




how do i port it? if i know how i would tottally do it.



Edit* Just Tried to and Failed horribly. Don't know the first thing about porting somthing over. if you have any ideas on how u could help me i would gladly do that.

posted @ 5:35, 24 Sep 2012 , edited by VaultBoy540 at 6:57, 24 Sep 2012 Edit | Delete




Lol! No VaultBoy, I am not going to buy New Vegas XD


You can port it if you want it so strongly ;)

posted @ 9:49, 23 Sep 2012 , edited by SydneyB at 9:49, 23 Sep 2012




will you buy it soon? cause i'd love to see the glide ability on new vegas. the ultimate edition is $30 and the standard nv is $20.00 i think that might be the cheapest it gets for a while unless they have a deal. but thats the price on steam. tottally worth it. and project nevada truly makes it a great experience. i'd love to see what kind of mods u do on nv.

posted @ 11:03, 22 Sep 2012 Edit | Delete



Vaultboy, I don't have New Vegas and never had ;)

posted @ 16:54, 21 Sep 2012




i don't suppose your going to convert the glide ability to the NV version... since the dude that brought it over abandoned the mod. and it is your mod to begin with. if not, what is it that makes the glide ability complicated in nv?

Edited by VaultBoy540
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I'd say that's definitley sounding like full permission to port it, can't get much clearer than that. I'll try to learn to port like I said earlier, and hopefully I can help you somehow for the sake of getting it functioning. I'll have to go try the heroes mod and give it a shot, I've always loved NV over FO3 too so it would be cool to do more than just walk around. ( I know of the motorcycle and jetpack mod, but my game doesn't like to play nice with them for some reason :wallbash: ).


I still have to go re-install GECK in the meantime, so Till' then goodluck with any efforts. I'll keep a notification on this thread and if I do figure something out I'll PM you on here.

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  • 1 month later...

I have no clue if this works but i am going to be a guinie pig, and run a tale of two wastelands and see if i can glide with asura's version of the batman mod only by changing the master file to NV so that it doesn't mess up. i'll poke around and if it works or not i will edit this post as to not double post. here is the website if your interested: http://www.taleoftwowastelands.com/ and a question i have for anyone that can answer: is the maker of this mod the same person to make "requiem for capital wasteland?


Heres Hoping for the glide ability!


Results: when used as a female the game is completely unplayable and results in having to ctrl+alt+del out of game.

when male, the batsuit looks amazing with everything on it, my gaming computer took a major hit in FPS and my PC can play crysis 2 on ultra! the speed of the batsuit works but its just completely laggy. and unfortunately no glide ability... but on the plus side tale of two wastelands is a great mod too bad there not on the nexus or i'd endorse them.

Edited by VaultBoy540
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@ VaultBoy540 thanks for the try out, I guess that makes it a no go but at least we have the answer now. Thanks for taking the time to comment and use your time to help, it's appreciated on my part :thumbsup: . I imagine we'll meet somewhere on the request / help forums again, so until then happy modding. Edited by SKYZOO
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