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Where's the Endorse button?


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After looking through some of my mods I'm using to update them I decided it might be helpful to post some detailed instructions on how to endorse mods. Surely this must be very difficult to figure out since I find it hard to believe that people are so ungrateful they can't take two seconds (less actually) to click the endorse button as a simple way to thank modders for all of their hard work. No matter what mod people are using that they enjoy I'm sure if Bethesda offered to add it to their game FREE of charge and all they asked in return is that you click a button that says "Thank you" people would be thrilled. Same principle.


Modders put a lot of time and effort into making our games so much more enjoyable and give us the ability to customize them to fit our own individual taste. The very least we can do to show our appreciation is to ENDORSE their mod. It amazes me that people can take the time to find the mod, download it, and install it yet can't be bothered to say thank you by endorsing it. Looking through some of the most popular mods on Nexus it is beyond shameful that the percentage of people who endorse the very mods they rave about to their friends is on average only in the single digits. Less than 10 percent. We are not entitled to the use of these mods simply because we paid our sixty bucks for the game. Every single time I go to Nexus it is disheartening to see how ungrateful the vast majority of people are. It has to be even more disheartening to the modders who actually put all of the hard work and time into making these mods.


Take a second and show that you do appreciate it and say "Thanks for all of the effort you put into making my game so much better" by clicking that ENDORSE button. I promise it is completely painless and takes extremely little effort on your part. Show some respect and common human decency by thanking someone for going out of their way to do something nice for you. If you enjoy the mod let the person or people who made it possible for you to have it in the first place know that you actually appreciate what they do. It's pitiful that people even need reminded of this.


And before I get some troll on here saying that I must have a mod I am looking for more endorsements for I don't have a single one posted on Nexus or anywhere else. I just have enough respect for people to thank them when they take the time to help me. I hope you do too.


And like I said here are the instructions for endorsing your favorite mods.


1. Click the pretty green button that says ENDORSE.


2. Done.


Easy enough?

Edited by Staind716
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After looking through some of my mods I'm using to update them I decided it might be helpful to post some detailed instructions on how to endorse mods. Surely this must be very difficult to figure out since I find it hard to believe that people are so ungrateful they can't take two seconds (less actually) to click the endorse button as a simple way to thank modders for all of their hard work. No matter what mod people are using that they enjoy I'm sure if Bethesda offered to add it to their game FREE of charge and all they asked in return is that you click a button that says "Thank you" people would be thrilled. Same principle.


Modders put a lot of time and effort into making our games so much more enjoyable and give us the ability to customize them to fit our own individual taste. The very least we can do to show our appreciation is to ENDORSE their mod. It amazes me that people can take the time to find the mod, download it, and install it yet can't be bothered to say thank you by endorsing it. Looking through some of the most popular mods on Nexus it is beyond shameful that the percentage of people who endorse the very mods they rave about to their friends is on average only in the single digits. Less than 10 percent. We are not entitled to the use of these mods simply because we paid our sixty bucks for the game. Every single time I go to Nexus it is disheartening to see how ungrateful the vast majority of people are. It has to be even more disheartening to the modders who actually put all of the hard work and time into making these mods.


Take a second and show that you do appreciate it and say "Thanks for all of the effort you put into making my game so much better" by clicking that ENDORSE button. I promise it is completely painless and takes extremely little effort on your part. Show some respect and common human decency by thanking someone for going out of their way to do something nice for you. If you enjoy the mod let the person or people who made it possible for you to have it in the first place know that you actually appreciate what they do. It's pitiful that people even need reminded of this.


And before I get some troll on here saying that I must have a mod I am looking for more endorsements for I don't have a single one posted on Nexus or anywhere else. I just have enough respect for people to thank them when they take the time to help me. I hope you do too.


And like I said here are the instructions for endorsing your favorite mods.


1. Click the pretty green button that says ENDORSE.


2. Done.


Easy enough?

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And a kudo to you Staind716, for bringing up this very important point. Let's keep modders happy please. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the kudos but I posted this just as a reminder that even though we are on the internet that doesn't mean all common courtesy should be tossed out the window. This is meant to be a community that helps and respects one another and people should act that way. :thumbsup:

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We need some sort of endorsement reminder pop up system because most of the time i go on a bulk download binge so my download history is wiped which means i have to search for them all again -_-


Plus i only tend to endorse if i don't have problems with a mod, mostly its no navmeshes, glitches etc even though i appreciate the time gone into making the mod.

Edited by GoodfellowGoodspring
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We need some sort of endorsement reminder pop up system because most of the time i go on a bulk download binge so my download history is wiped which means i have to search for them all again -_-


Plus i only tend to endorse if i don't have problems with a mod, mostly its no navmeshes, glitches etc even though i appreciate the time gone into making the mod.

I understand not endorsing mods that cause issues in your game. I don't endorse these either. The way I normally keep up with all of the mods that I use is to track them. Not only do you have a complete list of all the mods you are running it is also a convenient way to see when they are updated especially if you do any manual installs. If I didn't track them I would forget all the ones I use since I'm currently running over 200. Thinking of checking into a mod addiction rehab very soon. ;)

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We need some sort of endorsement reminder pop up system because most of the time i go on a bulk download binge so my download history is wiped which means i have to search for them all again -_-


Plus i only tend to endorse if i don't have problems with a mod, mostly its no navmeshes, glitches etc even though i appreciate the time gone into making the mod.

There IS a reminder system. But you seemingly have turned it off. In your Nexus site Preferences page there is a setting called "File rating reminder every" where you can set how often you want to be reminded of endorsing the mods you've downloaded. You can set it to between 1 and 28 days. Or off, which is what most people do, I guess.


Considering there is that combined with the file tracking system and the download history page (where one can endorse mods directly, without even visiting their individual pages), I find it's very easy no make sure I endorse the mods I like.


Personally though, I feel appreciative, constructive and helpful comments mean more than endorsements. Maybe I'm just old school.

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We need some sort of endorsement reminder pop up system because most of the time i go on a bulk download binge so my download history is wiped which means i have to search for them all again -_-


Plus i only tend to endorse if i don't have problems with a mod, mostly its no navmeshes, glitches etc even though i appreciate the time gone into making the mod.

There IS a reminder system. But you seemingly have turned it off. In your Nexus site Preferences page there is a setting called "File rating reminder every" where you can set how often you want to be reminded of endorsing the mods you've downloaded. You can set it to between 1 and 28 days. Or off, which is what most people do, I guess.


Considering there is that combined with the file tracking system and the download history page (where one can endorse mods directly, without even visiting their individual pages), I find it's very easy no make sure I endorse the mods I like.


Personally though, I feel appreciative, constructive and helpful comments mean more than endorsements. Maybe I'm just old school.

I agree with you 100% about appreciative, constructive and helpful comments meaning more than endorsements as it helps to let the modders know what is working for people and what isn't so they can make improvements as needed. I actually started to mention comments but if people can't be bothered to click a button do you honestly think those same people will post comments unless it is to complain or ask about an issue that was probably covered in the readme or previous comments they didn't bother to read? :confused:

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I was under the impression that endorsement was a kind of rating system to help people in finding reliable mods? Endorsing at every download kind of ruins the point, or doesn't it?


I endorse something after downloading it, playing it and finding it enough at my taste to actually keep it on my mod list (which is pretty short, about 9 mods from steam, 8 mods from nexus and 2 from wiwiland)


Then again, it's a good reminder. I'm not sure I endorsed every mode I'm actually using and they all deserve it.


edit: btw, nexus constantly tells me I didn't download the file which means to endorse it I have to download it again and wait 15 minutes. It doesn't really help ><

Edited by Any_ILL
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