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Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley: edit marriage ceremony


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Hi everyone,


I'm currently working on a mod and as part of it I'd like to edit the marriage ceremony. However, I can't find the content file where the marriage event is written (it doesn't seem to be in the general 'Events' folder).


Can anyone tell me where I can find the marriage event file so I can edit the marriage scene?



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  • 1 year later...

Seconding this, I've been looking for that file for a while now and it's nonexistent, The most I could find was the display text info from a string file called StringsFromCSFiles.xnb, which is not really useful, and all the other mods I've seen around the web that add more marriage candidates have this problem where the same npc can be found in the wedding crowd, and no one ever says why it can't be changed. I'm guessing it's one of those "hard coded" sort of business?

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