luceid Posted July 16, 2008 Share Posted July 16, 2008 (please excuse my english) Well, hi there. I've a BIG favor to ask. I need seriously help here!! :(Except for the last two days my game was running well, but now...Seemingly out of nowhere, my game crashes, randomly, damn often.I can't play longer then ~10 minutes before getting some CTD.These crashes are absolutely random, in fight, in town, whatever.So it's not cell-specifig at all. Since I'm using a folder for backuping my installfiles of downloaded mods, I can tell what had been added within the last two days:- CompanionshipRing (no conflicts)- npc with jobs (conflicts slightly with TNR, nothing to special about it)+ NWJtamriel worldspace (conflicts slightly with TNR and the UOP)+ optional creatures for aledra (UOP)- Red Sonia (reinstalled - major conflicts with Viconia - but didn't caused crashes before the last two days)- Viconia (reinstalled - major conflicts with Sonia, see above)- Terise/Terimer (reinstalled - slightly conflicts with all shapes and sizes)* reinstalled OBSE & OBMM (newest stable version of each one) No you'd might think "Just disbale Sonia OR Viconia and the matter is solved", but no, it's not, even if both are disabled the crashing gos on :(I've tried a lot of things, like disabling ALL compannions (I've six at all) - didn't work.Disabling the Companionring mod didn't work, same goes for all of the NPCs with Jobs components. What I've done ingame is setting these companions, who allow this, to CSR-Companions via the Friend-Option - simply because I like the idea not to determ what they ware but let them choose by themself via the Sales & Retails mod (including Sonia and Viconia) - but I guess this won't cause the crashes. So... here's my modlist, which maybe needs some fixing concerning the loadorder: Oblivion.esmnpc with jobs.esmKvatch Rebuilt.esmHorseCombatMaster.esmAll Shapes And Sizes 1.0.esmEnhanced Daedric Invasion.esmHoradric Cube.esmToaster Says Share v3.esmCM Partners.esmNWJtamriel.espUOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.espUnofficial Oblivion Patch.espOblivion Citadel Door Fix.espMidasSpells.espAdrenalineOblivion-SupportElements.espAdrenalineOblivion-SpawnElement.espBrighterTorches_v1.2.espBulkyOrcs.espAll Shapes And Sizes 1.0.esptda_ScytheModv1.2.esprdweaponpack1.espStreamline 3.0.espCrowded Roads 15.espSethsNPCequipmentRarity-beta.espSolace.espCheydinhal Petshop.espIWR-Windows.espIWR-Shutters.espIWR-Lights.espCrowded Roads.espAFLevelMod.espExpanded Hotkeys and Spell Delete v1.0.espExpanded Hotkeys Brief Equip Message.espRealisticForceMedium.espVA_UniqueKatana1Replace.espVA_UniqueKatana1.esp'Eagle Eye' Realistic Archery v1.0 Fixed.espmythsandlegends.espIWR - Windows Lights Shutters - Optimised.espCrowded Cities 30.espDEJ Harvest - Flora.espEnhanced Quest Roleplaying.espVillages1.1.espSnow Dragon Temple v1.0.espHousewives v101.espMaleBodyReplacerV4.espCM Partners.espRealisticMagicForceMedium.espMore Female Servants.espkaelis_soubas.espDecoratorAssistant v1.1.espEnhanced Daedric Invasion.espLost Paladins of the Divines.espQuest Award Leveller.espSuddenViolence_ElementalSpells.espSuddenViolence_Push.espKDClothCirclets.espEnchantmentRestore.espSuddenViolence_Sprint.espSuddenViolence_CombatMoves.espAliveWaters - Koi Addon.espFrancesco's 10 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.espAkatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.espEnchantmentRestore_Wells.espAliveWaters - Slaughterfish Addon.espAliveWaters.espClocksOfCyrodiil.espmoDem's City Life.espMounted_Spellcasting Deadly Reflex Compatible.espDungeon Actors Have Torches 1.6 DT.espExterior Actors Have Torches 1.3 CT.espComp_Cecilia.espshinyEmotions.espCityofSunevV058.espNpcwithJobsCreatures.espSonia.espkalikuts_bracelets.espReal Lava 1.3.espBlackLuster.esppersonality_idles4.espTheForgottenShields.espSymphony of Violence.espTOTF.espHoradric Cube.gem.override.espTNR ALL RACES FINAL.espTSS Custom Companion Template.espRamy Enfant.espHoradric Cube.espExtended Imperial City.espbartholm.espCorean_hair_for_Original_race.espBravilSeaDomes.espKvatch Rebuilt.esppale_rider's Armory of The Divine Guardian.espP1DmenuEscape.espHarvest[Containers] - Player Home Add-on.espHarvest[Containers].espThe Lost Spires.esp1stAlchemistCompanionGirl.espAcid's Extravagent Eyes [Compatible With Ren].espToaster Says Share Faction Recruitment.espMD Saddlebags v3.0.espCompanion Sales & Retail.espMore_Animals.espTerimer.espRenGuardOverhaul.espMalevolent.espBetter_Water-1830.esp_No__persistant_enchantment_glow_fix-1843.espRegenerate_Magicka_Enchantment-3225.espViconia.espDiverse Voices.espTheResurrectSpell 1.1.espDeadlyReflex - Combat Moves.espCompanionshipRing.esp I've also this file called "Oblivion.exe.log" and there's indeed some kind of log in there, so I'll post it, well, some summary of two concerning messages during my last seconds before crashing at least: 21:17:16 > TBCEnumMediaTypes.Destroy21:17:16 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Connection succeeded.21:17:16 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Worker thread initializing.21:17:17 > Deliver() returned 1; stopping21:17:17 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: CMD_RUN received before a CMD_PAUSE???.21:17:34 > Deliver() returned 80040227; stopping21:17:34 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: worker thread exiting.21:17:34 > [TBassSourceStream: Bass Source Stream] FREE21:17:34 > [TBassSource: DC-Bass Source] FREE21:17:34 > [TBassSource: DC-Bass Source] CREATE............21:17:34 > TBCEnumMediaTypes.Destroy21:17:34 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Failed to agree type.21:17:34 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Trying to connect Pins :.21:17:34 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: <Output>.21:17:34 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: <Audio Input pin (rendered)>.21:17:34 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Trying media type:..........(Last entry is 21:17:35 - but nothing like "unhandled exception" or so) Anyway: Maybe this is of use to you. I just don't know what to do now - reinstalling the whole bunch isn't my thing at all and maybe the same problem will ocure again .______."I REALLY need help :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted July 16, 2008 Share Posted July 16, 2008 Just this morning I wrote up a new help file on crashing. You will be the second person to get it. I realize that some of this may not apply to you. Please check it out and give me some feedback on it. Thanks Oblivion crashes can be caused by many things and come in several types. An occasional random crash is actually fairly normal. If they are occurring too often or consistently is when they become a problem. In order to diagnose a crash, we need a lot of information:The specifications on your computer. CPU, Motherboard, Amount of RAM, Video card and video RAM, Sound system - is it 'on board' or a separate board and the info on it.Or,if you do not know any of this, the brand name and model number of the computer.Do you have the most up to date driver for your video card? Sound card? Windows? Which version of Windows (or other operating system) do you have? Which version of Oblivion do you have? Which patches are installed? Are you using Shivering Isles and what patch for it? Are you running Oblivion full screen or in a window? Are you using any helper programs such as OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) OBSE (Oblivion Script Extender) Wyre Bash or anything else. Have you shut down any background programs that might be running. Some anti virus and other programs like to grab a portion of the system to perform some operation in the background. This can cause Oblivion to crash.Xfire will crash Oblivion. An older HP printer driver will cause crashes. Oblivion does not like to share the computer with any other programs. Are you using any mods? and which ones? a true load order might be helpful - the load list you get feom the Oblivion data list is usually NOT in load order. Then, is you computer getting too hot? Usually you can start a game just after powering up cold and run for a while before you start having crashes if you are overheating.Clean out the dust before adding any fans or more cooling. - Be sure to unplug the computer first! Is your power supply too weak? These crashes can be a freeze - everything stops and will not do anything. or a Shut down and reboot.Many low end brand name computers are underpowered and undercooled for games such as Oblivion. They were intended for office type use. Before trying anything desperate, such as reinstalling. Clean your system - run the disk clean up utility and remove any unused old programs (have you left a copy of an old game you no longer play on the hard drive?)Then run the defragment utility - if it hasn't been done lately this could take several hours. Oblivion runs much better on a clean and defragged hard drive. If the crash is happening at the same place when you try to go into a certain area, Go somewhere else for a while and work on another quest, then after at least 3 game days have passed come back and try again. Unless you have changed it with a mod, the cell will reset in 3 days and the problem may no longer be there. If it is in an exterior location, try approaching the place from another direction. Then there is one crash that is directly related to the Nvida video cards. Known as 'The Nvida Black Screen Crash' it manifests as the screen suddenly goes all black, EXCEPT you can still hear everything, the HUD is still there, and you can move. Its just black. There is an entire set of fixes for this, and several forums. The usual fix is installing EITHER the unofficial Oblivion Patch mod. OR 'nVida Black Screen Fix Updated' But NOT both. The unofficial Oblivion patch fixes many more small problems in the game. However,It cannot fix problems caused by mods. Found here: nvida Black screen updated: Unofficial Oblivion Patch: You need both the patch and the Hotfix if you use this one.(2 files) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luceid Posted July 16, 2008 Author Share Posted July 16, 2008 Actually... there's nothing really new in your post. But I'm glad someone answered :)As said before: It worked well, 'til the day before yesterday (btw: do you english-speakers really have no shorter form for this? Pre-yesterday maybe? o_O).Nothing changed, nothing systemwise changed, no special issues about power supply or temperatures.Just added some mods (shown above) and did some ingame-changes (shown above) My wild guess is a conflict due setting these custom companions to CSR companions.Or maybe a corrupt soundfile (don't know if there are any soundfiles, which are played randomly, because the crashes are absolutely random)Or maybe some corrupt script and/or meshfiles for things like idle-ing (don't know if this is the correct spelling, as said before, my english isn't that great)But I need conformation on these guesses. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HouseAtlantic Posted July 17, 2008 Share Posted July 17, 2008 obmm cannot tell you if your computer can handle running these mods togetherwe do not know if there's anything in ben's post that applies to you, because you didn't answer any of the questionsdon't assume the conflict is brought about by a newly installed mod, like clothes or weapons especiallyI would start by disabling a lot of those mods that require a lot of scripting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted July 17, 2008 Share Posted July 17, 2008 Try disabling you mods in groups of 10 or so. Then when the problem stops, re enable them one at a time until it reappears. then you will know which mod is causing the problem (if it is a mod). Then you will be able to take appropriate action - remove the offending mod, change its load order or live with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luceid Posted July 17, 2008 Author Share Posted July 17, 2008 we do not know if there's anything in ben's post that applies to you, because you didn't answer any of the questions WTF? :blink: LO, etc. EVERYTHING posted in the FIRST post!! :mellow: Even posted some lines of the oblivion.log o_OSo what the hell do you mean by "because you didn't answer any of the questions"?Why on earth should I answer questions which shouldn't been asekd, because most of it stands in the OP? :whistling: Systeminforms aren't required, as said before: Game worked well, nothing changed since that. Why making an "easy" topic difficult with unessacery information? :unsure: besides: I also tried some changes in terms of the resolution, etc. Didn't helped at all (as presumed)It's no case of "PersoComp Problem", it's either a corrupted file or major conflicting mods.I'm no damn pc-newb, but new to Oblivion and mod-using.So standard things like "defragmentier deine Festplatte!" won't help at all.That's why I asked for serious help in the MODDING corner. Don't get me wrong, as said before I'm glad that someone wants to help.But what I really need is a hint, how to trace the problem, which IS caused by some corrupted file I hardly guess.But it could be every file... sounds, textures, meshes, scripts, a.s.o. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HouseAtlantic Posted July 18, 2008 Share Posted July 18, 2008 sounds like you got it figured out, then :thumbsup: Good lucksometime you gotta dig a little deeper to find out the problem or exclude probable causes, if you do not want to take the time to do that then.. neither do i Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted July 18, 2008 Share Posted July 18, 2008 My crash help is generic and intended to save wear and tear on my fingers answering people who post " My game crashes - Help" and that's all. It is also a work in progress and I appreciate any suggestions to help me improve it. Sometimes a mod will cause a problem in a completely unexpected place. I have a mod that does not make any changes in topics and only has one NPC - a generic male Imperial. While testing i suddenly got "I have no greeting" messages from Breton Females. After cleaning the file, that problem went away. So don't think that just because a mod doesn't do anything that should affect something else that it will not. That is why I recommend disabling mods in groups until either you have disabled all of your mods or you find the source of the problem. If you disable all of them and still crash, then it isn't a mod causing the crash. And, as to your other question, unfortunately English does not have a short version of the day before yesterday. Until you asked, I had never thought about it, but it would be handy. And, your English is excellent. It is clear and easier to read than many native English speakers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luceid Posted July 18, 2008 Author Share Posted July 18, 2008 sounds like you got it figured out, then :thumbsup: Good lucksometime you gotta dig a little deeper to find out the problem or exclude probable causes, if you do not want to take the time to do that then.. neither do i Damn... it's not my comp... if it would be any kind of hardware issue I wouldn't be able to play Crysis with high details smoothly with something like 32 FPS... if this game runs smoothly, Oblivion should also, I assume? If a PC can't handle Oblivion, Crysis would smack it to pieces. And I'm still using thongs like Quarls textures redemized, just to max out out the performance and still playing high res or even with AA/AF.the problem here is not, that I don't understand in which way you want to help, but as said before: I don't need PC (PC im Sinne von "Personal Computer" nicht Player Character) help, actually I'm working in the IT branch (correct expression?) As bben46 advised, I looked into my mods, using my brain, instead of just disabling them in random groups (meaning: reading every damn readme file again and this time reading them precise) and found one big problem:Viconia shouldn't be used with Cheydinhal Petshop. I assumend this conflict not to be this harsh because when I was scanning my mods within the OBMM it doesn't said anything about this conflict, but the (re-)creator Viconia said it's major conflicting. So I disabled & deleted the Petshop, looked which new files were created with this mod and erased them.I also reinstalled some sound-effect overhaul (don't recognize the name atm, "whispering foot" or something like this I guess) and reinstalled Personality Idles4 as well (redownloaded them to be correct, both DL's were cut-off during the dl-process, but I continued the dl with Opera's DL-manager - maybe some bad idea, but I din't got any errors during the "install"). Also I used a Save before setting Red Sonia and Viconia to CSR-Companions, not doing this this time and dl'ed the new version of Viconia today..........To cut a long story short: One of these changes solved the problem.I don't know which one and maybe I'll never know (could have been a corrupted soundfile from the sound overhaul, game-breaking due setting Viconia and Sonia to CSR-companions, problems with "maybe corrupted" PI4-animations, a.s.o.), but I'm happy now :biggrin: :thanks: for your patience and your help bben46 & HouseAtlantic :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HouseAtlantic Posted July 19, 2008 Share Posted July 19, 2008 Cheydinhal pet shop never worked for me, if I remember correctly it's a bit datedI skimmed through the esp list you posted and didn't see obse, which some have had problems running multiple script extender plug-ins together. I assumed after that it was just a scripting problem and or you were having problems with gaming on Windows Vista, just would have hated to discover your system was the problem after so long.and yea i gave ben kudos for his patience Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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