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Super slow speeds after system recovery


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I knew everything was going to well. My 20 year old hard drive finally died. Knowing this would eventually happen, I've had an active local and off-site backup.


I've recovered my drive and everything seems to have faired well, except votex. The recovery loaded back an exact mirror of the old drive, so all my mods are intact and everything gamewise is running great.


Now for votex. It recovered and runs well until you try to download or remove a mod. Then it is ssssssoooooo slow. It took over 5 mins today to remove a mod. It takes about that long installing a mod. Download speed is great and everything else works its just activation and removal that tie the program up for a long time.


Just to be sure I've spent several days recovering both local and off-site. Same result. I have ran every test I can get my hands on with the drive, no issues. Everything else works great so I'm really at a loss. Any ideas?

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