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Weird Operation Anchorage AI Bug

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I've found a weird bug in Operation Anchorage: the Chinese soldiers mostly won't fight back. After I enter a new section of the DLC the first couple of enemy will attack normally, but then the rest just wander around and don't even react when shot (other than to run for cover or die).


I'm reasonably sure that the cause is a mod created bug, because the last time I played FO3, Operation Anchorage played perfectly. Also the rest of the game, including the other DLCs, seem to be playing normally.


The answer should be easy... just bug hunt through my mods that effect OA, turning them off (in turn or all at once) checking to see if the bug disappears. But that hasn't worked this time. I'm using a merged patch, but turning that off doesn't help either.


It's obviously an AI bug effecting just the Chinese troops, as the US soldiers fight normally. The only other thing I've noticed - that probably relates to the bug - is that the effected enemy aren't holding their guns properly (the weapons hover over the back of their hands).


Has anyone seen anything like this before? Is there a fix?

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