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training does not contribute toward levelling mod


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It cannot be localized to training with an NPC *specifically* as far as I know, because all the NPC is doing is incrementing the experience you would get if you swung your sword or whatever enough times to level up one skill point.

So if you set it, then you're not going to get any player experience from leveling that skill. Period. (At least till you change the ini again?)
Uncapper gives you the ability to mess with that for every skill separately. Most mods are more of a wide-spread change in leveling.

But you *can* tweak the Uncapper ini file so that your skills level -- but that skill leveling does not affect your *player* experience at all.

You might try https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17751 - but it has artificial skill caps for the sake of "balance" that may get on your nerves.

Alternately, you could try https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17286 ... but that's a brand new mod and I haven't tested it (but it's *so* on my list right after I fix this latest mysterious crash).

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TBH, while it's an immersion-shattering pain in the backside, you could just Go do your bit with the trainer, and then if that levels you, just hit the console command input (the ~ key) and type "player.setlevel X" without the quotes..where X is whatever level you were before. Dump the 10 points you got for "leveling" into whichever pool you're most willing to alter and then, if you want to, set *that* back down too.

So..if I was level 1 and trained 5 points in Alchemy, it would almost CERTAINLY get me to level 2, if not 3.
I'd probably pick Stamina because I'm a carryweight hog. I'd take the levelup like normal...
And then I'd type

player.setlevel 1
player.setav stamina 100 (down from 110, which is what it would go up to when I leveled my player from 1 to 2)

Being a dirty cheater at this point, I'd totally keep that carryweight upgrade :wink:


Honestly though...I don't enjoy playing too unbalanced a game, myself, and having an Archery skill of 60 on a level 5 toon is game-breakingly unbalanced. If you're that intent on "seeing all the content" before outleveling it, do NOT train with the trainers. Go play the game. Find the dungeons, use your skills, and level up *while* you play :wink:

If it's just "I want to get my Alchemy/Smithing/Enchanting to 100 without suddenly being a very gimped level 19" then bite the bullet and just set those skills to 100. Skip the potion exploits and the grinding. As long as you buy your *perks* in order (grab a perk providing mod like Perk book or Perk potion or whatever), just setting your skill level doesn't seem to break anything.

Player.setav Alchemy (or whatever) 100


Edited by Vashra1
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