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Gore and amputation!


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Ever noticed how it is odd you can have an epic sword fight and nobody loses an arm or a leg? They just lose their head!


Would be nice for some serious finishing moves that allow this but also minor finishing moves (meaning the fight is not over).



So for example if i cut off a bandit's shield arm, he cannot block!

If i cut off his sword arm, he'll equip his shield arm with any weapon in his inventory and attack with that.

If i cut both arms off he will run away or surrender and cower down.

Legs can be cut off too and he will just sit lie on the floor screaming 'Mercy!'


Some epic finishing moves i am thinking of are where you can do a flurry of sword swings (bit like a ninja) lopping one arm off and straight away the other arm then kicking him so he lands on the floor and will just law there for you to execute.

Another move is if you have a two-handed weapon you can swing and completely cut the npc in half!!!


Percentage of these awesome moves increases if you take skooma.


Also having a maxed out archery skill will allow arrows to occasionally take off limbs also.

Edited by Salusasecondus
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They lose their heads - 25 % of the time - if you have the perk.

It would be incredibly cool if you could sneak up on an unaware motherhubbard and slice his arm off, and in addition pick it up and use it as a weapon. Like sick slapstick.

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Well, regardless of how many times it's been requested, I'd still like to point out that it's a grand idea. Mahogny Schnitzel is a strong and ruthless fighter, and would like this combined with the dance of death killmove mod's unarmed moves to tear puny thalmor agents' arms out of their sockets and use them to beat their former owners over the head.
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inb4 Monty Python quotes.


Sounds good to me. Only I doubt even the most skilled of archers could take a limb off with an arrow. Also, being intoxicated on Skooma would make it harder for you to maim someone surely?

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what if armour is added that looks normal but has a limb cut off and badaged?




To be fair, the NPCs should be allowed to do the same thing to the PC... :D


Heh, already done a similar request. Nice to know I'm not the only one thinking along those lines :)

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