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Need help with illusion effects


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I wanted to increase the strength of the illusion effects for users late game, specifically frenzy. I am running a leveled enemies mod and a mod that increases alchemy effectiveness. I can make a poison with 200 damage and 30 sec paralysis, but frenzy effects only affect enemies up to level 23. Most encounters in my game are almost lvl 50, so i decided to make a mod. This is what I did:


Created a ring with an enchantment that increases the magnitude of calm, fear, and frenzy effects by 200 (levels). Basically I combined the effects of the three respective perks and made it powerful as hell. Problem is, it doesnt affect alchemy potions with these effects. It seems that only fortify alchemy can increase the effects of frenzy, but simply increasing alchemy to get the desired magnitude of frenzy will break everything else. Im wondering if there is a tag or something to attach to the effect that will allow it to affect alchemy.


Any suggestions?

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