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Any mods remove/disable "Letter of Inheritance"


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I searched through the site and couldn't find what I was looking for.


I -HATE- the "Letter of Inheritance" where a random character dies and you get a letter and usually a small sum of gold.


If someone dies in my game I want it to be by my hand or at least on my terms. That it can also break or block you from quests is also extremely frustrating. Aela, Ysolda, etc.


If someone knows of a mod or some other way like a console command to stop this from happening I'd be eternally grateful if you could point me in that direction.


I've heard respawning characters who die using the console commands can lead to problems. I don't know how accurate that is or not but I can see how it could be problematic so just disabling the whole random deaths thing would be my preferred method of dealing with it if that's at all possible.

Edited by EbenezerGrymm
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