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HHO in cars, and other practical uses.


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there are many things you can do with water normally.

there are even more things you can do with water when it is separated.


some people will try to sell kits to make HHO for hundreds of dollars, but you can make an HHO generator at home for less than $20. my little brother can make one, so you can too :)

why would you want to use HHO? if you are a hippy and are concerned about the damn environment (a complete load of crap. the earth is changing its rotation, and the moon is getting farther away. sht happens.) if you dont want to pay for gas, and dont want to have to worry about your car exploding and you dying (that will happen with pure hydrogen. with HHO, you only have to worry about all your hair burning off lmao)


((((((i recently hooked up my fastback GT to run off water. yay :D))))))


you can also make your own chlorine bleach at home :D and its not even hard to do lol (its actually a byproduct if you use salt for a faster reaction)



i would post some links to google videos, but i wont. go find it yourself it is much more fun.


if you have any questions, i will try to answer them as fast as i can :)

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