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Load Order Wrye whit mods


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I just want to know if my load order its fine xD cuz i got some bugs playing. like all weapons whit damage reduced ex: sword whit 30 dmg/ when i got bug all weapons go under -30 dmg. it solved with a back up save. now i had another bug. any npc mob killme whit just 1 hit im lvl 6 and a "rat" xD killed me just whit 1 hit. fixes whit backup save. if someone know why this hapend ll help all people whit same error. mi list is:

Active Mod Files:


00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Beautyraces.esm
03  RaceCompatibility.esm
04  ElinRace.esm
05  berserkraces.esm
06  TeraHairWeightFix.esp
07  leiting.esp
08  armor_eisen.esp
09  Ebony Craw Wizard Armor.esp
0A  tera swords.esp
0B  lylance.esp
0C  bankai.esp
0D  Beautynpcs.esp
0E  BleachTotalConversion.esp
0F  Superjump_2x.esp
10  FlashStep.esp
11  Real 1st Person View.esp
12  DeadlyDragons.esp
13  DeadlyDragonsSpells.esp
14  hokutoshinken.esp
15  Duel - Combat Realism.esp
16  AV1Dragon_Lords.esp
17  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 1.0]
18  Elin Pack.esp
19  terafighter.esp
1A  Ebony Craw Wizard Armor fixed.esp
1B  Elin2chlomod.esp
1C  fox9 Armor.esp
1D  TeraSalesGirl.esp
1E  fox10 Armor.esp
1F  fox15 Armor.esp
20  SummonElinRing.esp
21  ElinRaceVoice.esp
22  ElinRaceIdle.esp
23  Armor_Tera_HmF_L18.esp
24  Tera_HmF_L13.esp
25  tera001.esp
26  TERX-Set.esp
27  TeraHEFArmors.esp
28  Fighting Stances.esp
29  TeraCastanicFArmors.esp
2A  MidasSkyrim.esp
2B  sword_yamato.esp
2C  LightningArmor13-2.esp
2D  The Dance of Death.esp
2E  dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
2F  SKGriffithArmor.esp
30  VindictusHeroes2.esp


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Load order is usually established by two means. Install BOSS and let it order the mods. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6


While BOSS does a good job of ordering mods, you should also read the readme. BOSS can place mods in a specific location, but the readme from the person creating the mod may advise to place the mod higher or lower in the load order.

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