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NPCS go under roof when raining


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Hi guys, there is a topic of this but i guess it's dead. I find very unimmersive seeing all the npcs at the streets when they have a f*#@ing storm falling on their heads! I love to see a mod that modifies that, making the npc go under roof when its raining. Anybody found a mod like this?

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no, only thing like it would be Gasmasks of the wasteland. Someone could probably look at the script and change some stuff so instead of putting on gasmasks in certain weather, they go somewhere. you would probably need to either hand place like, muster points or put a lot of chairs in settlements and assign them to chairs when it rains.


would be hard though, youd want to keep the guards and people assigned to food to keep working.


paparus or whatever is out of my league.


also, If you are gonna just edit an already existing script and use it, youd probably wanna get permission first.


its a good idea but probably a lot of work. and with the posibillity of all the settlers just ending up at one place.. on the roof. lol

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