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Quiver of arrows on the leg(s)


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I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who hates the quivers. Naturally, it covers your 2H weapon on the back. Which is rather annoying.

Of course, you've got the hide quiver mod, which is great. But why not show the quiver, and not have it cover any weapons?

Simply move it to a leg. Perhaps the right leg, where weapons are never stored.


There are some potential problems though:

  • Animations would have to be changed
    - You currently pull arrows from your back
  • Shield is on the right arm
    - May cause clipping problems
  • It may look a bit silly


I'm not sure how anyone would go about it. But I thought I'd present this idea, as I haven't seen it mentioned before.


If there's something that already does this, please let me know, I've searched quite a number of times and have come up with nothing.



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Place it on the knee :teehee:


No, seriously, this sounds like a great idea, but unfortunately I have no idea how to do it, so somebody else must, but I'll download it straight away if it becomes real.

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  • 3 months later...

I don'y mean to necro a thread but with the new Dawnguard DLC, it should be much easier to put bow quivers on the thigh.

The animations are there for the bolts, so it couldn't be TOO hard (I think) to change it a little bit.


Unless of course by now there has been something that does this, please let me know :)

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  • 1 year later...

i know this is abandoned by now, but this is incredible hard.


I've been trying to do it, and I was able to make a version using weapons on back, because you can only put the quiver on the left leg. If you put it on the right leg, it goes Ape-s#*! when you crouch.


So with the sword on back, the quiver fits nicely on the left leg, but it's reduced in size by 30%, and i dont have any animations for it.


if you want, please MESSAGE me and i will upload it.


preview: http://i.imgur.com/0ZUsSPM.jpg

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