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Installation script help

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I'm using an OMOD script for my Skyrim mod, primarily because I use TESModManager. However, I just discovered NMM has issues executing the CopyDataFolder line. The folder is not extracted when the user selects that option.


Can someone help convert the following code into a language that FOMOD uses?


InstallDataFile "SMSkyrim.bsa"
InstallDataFile "SMSkyrim.bsl"
InstallPlugin "SMSkyrim.esp"

SetVar bodyImg "Images\\Body.jpg"

SelectWithPreview "Body Type" "UNP (Default)" "%bodyImg%" "CBBE" "%bodyImg%"
Case UNP (Default)
	CopyDataFolder "Optional\\CBBE\\meshes\\" "meshes\\" True


EDIT: Nevermind, created the FOMOD script myself. Attached below for those interested.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://qconsulting.ca/fo3/ModConfig5.0.xsd">
<!-- Name -->
<moduleName>Sexy Maids of Skyrim</moduleName>

<!-- Dependencies -->
	<dependencies operator="And">
		<fileDependency file="RaceCompatibility.esm" state="Active" />
		<fileDependency file="OrientalRace.esp" state="Active" />

<!-- Mandatory Installation -->
	<file source="SMSkyrim.esp" />
	<file source="SMSkyrim.bsa" />
	<file source="SMSkyrim.bsl" />

<!-- User Installation -->
<installSteps order="Explicit">
	<!-- Body Type -->
	<installStep name="Body Types">
		<optionalFileGroups order="Explicit">
			<group name="Body Type" type="SelectExactlyOne">
				<plugins order="Explicit">
					<!-- UNP (Default) -->
					<plugin name="UNP (Default)">
							<![CDATA[use clothing designed for the UNP body type. This is the recommended option if you are not using a custom body type or using a body type that is not an option.]]>

						<image path="fomod\Images\Body.jpg" />

						<files />

							<type name="Optional" />
					<!-- CBBE -->
					<plugin name="CBBE">
							<![CDATA[use clothing designed for the CBBE body type when available.]]>

						<image path="fomod\Images\Body.jpg" />

							<folder source="Optional\CBBE\meshes" destination="meshes" priority="2" />

							<type name="Optional" />



Edited by Enter_77
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