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Game Scale


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Has anyone seen that mod that changes the size of the player to really f***ing small? like, a mouse? I was just thinking, if you was to go in and edit the whole world and change the scale down to that size couldnt you go from there and build a massive world? wouldnt that solve some problems on FPS and crashing? If you think about it and compare a game like GTA 5, the map size is no where near the same but GTAs scale is small, the player, the buildings, the cars etc. So, wouldnt you be able to just do that to FO4 and then go in using the CK and build a massive world? potentially around 10 to 15 new cities, smaller cities. even on the DLC maps too. Idk if my idea is trash because i have no experience other than setting a load order. Somebody please get back to me and lmk if im waayay off or if im onto something because honestly I think that would be really kool. create a whole new map for the base game and the DLCs, and setting the scale that small you should even be able to port it onto consoles possibly. somebody lmk. (RANDY MARSH SMUG VOICE) THHAANNKS

Edited by TenofSpades4205
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