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Odahviing Won't Take The Bait


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I'm stuck and hoping someone can help me please?....I have tried 5 re-loads now calling Odahviing, the call works and updated in the Journal but Odahviing just flies in wide arcs around Dragonsreach, doesn't snatch the guard and stays too far away to hit with 'Dragonrend'...he won't land....Is there some kind of console command I can use? Please someone help.
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May want to read here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Odahviing and here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Fallen and lastly here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_World-Eater%27s_Eyrie


There are a couple of things that seem to glitch this quest. Not calling the dragon from outside - meaning out on the balcony as far as possible. Not holding the Shout key long enough to fully cause the Shout to form. And lastly, its a game glitch with no fix that I know of.


The best fix is to try to load an earlier save and try again, but I have heard that the quest can be reset by console. Advancing the quest by console is problematic as you need the dragon to finish the quest, so it may be possible to advance the quest to finish it and then either travel by console to the next quest or go do something else and call the dragon when you are ready to start the next quest, and hopefully the conversation with the dragon will be available to travel to the next quest.


If resetting a quest, do the console command then exit the game and then restart the game to make sure the quest resets. Check your journal as well to see that the quest has reset.

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May want to read here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Odahviing and here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Fallen and lastly here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_World-Eater%27s_Eyrie


There are a couple of things that seem to glitch this quest. Not calling the dragon from outside - meaning out on the balcony as far as possible. Not holding the Shout key long enough to fully cause the Shout to form. And lastly, its a game glitch with no fix that I know of.


The best fix is to try to load an earlier save and try again, but I have heard that the quest can be reset by console. Advancing the quest by console is problematic as you need the dragon to finish the quest, so it may be possible to advance the quest to finish it and then either travel by console to the next quest or go do something else and call the dragon when you are ready to start the next quest, and hopefully the conversation with the dragon will be available to travel to the next quest.


If resetting a quest, do the console command then exit the game and then restart the game to make sure the quest resets. Check your journal as well to see that the quest has reset.


Thank you Tidus...I will try reloading to a much earlier save, do a few other quests and see if the quest will re-set....This is the first time I have had trouble with Odahviing and have tried as far out on the balcony as possible, made sure the full shout was given and a few other things (where my Dovahkin then stands while waiting, etc...).....Would prefer not to console command it due to the size of role Odahviing plays, just didn't know what else to do.

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