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Stardew Valley

SMAPI Lag.. out of ideas


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I'm trying to fix this lag I'm having when I run the game through SMAPI. The game runs fine through the regular launch. I've tried the popular fix of reinstalling XNA, and have tried reinstalling the game, reinstalling SMAPI, running the beta versions of the game, SMAPI and the content patcher...


I'm providing a list of the mods I have if it's a CPU issue, though my specs are quite good for a game this size. I figure it could also be an issue with one of these individually, though every one of these is installed correctly with their most recent versions.

  • Babies Take After Spouse; [CP]HarveyBaby, [CP]HarveyFemaleToddlerBuns, [CP]HarveyMaleToddlerCombed
  • BouhmPetDogs
  • ClimatesOfFerngill
  • JoysOfEfficiency
  • SeasonalImmersion

I'm currently back to SMAPI 2.2.5 with Stardew Valley 1.2.33 on Windows 10.



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Two questions: one, have you tried adjusting settings within the game? Lighting quality and the like? And two, does SMAPI throw up any errors or messages while it's running that would clue you in on any problems? (I'm assuming you probably have looked into those things, honestly, but those are the first guesses that come to mind and I'm not really sure what else to suggest that'd be helpful.)

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