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recognition for knights for the nine if you done the whole quest


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Dosent that already happen? I completed the quest and I'm called lord crusader all the time etc. It's cool :).

Kinda disturbing thought if you kill someone and the relics come off and ur completely naked o_O




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He's saying that the faction's followers refer to him as the Divine crusader, and the rest of Cyrodiil doesn't.


I think what the problem here is that it's a matter of randomness. When you've completed so many factions and guild quests and become the best there is, people will refer to you as just that. But that doesn't mean it only holds true to one such faction. Many people will recognize you for your in game efforts on what seems to be a whim. It might have something to do with location as well, for example, the mages guild's arcane university, or the Arena's area in the Imperial City. The fact is that KOTN's critical area is secluded from most of Cyrodiil, so you're less likely to hear from somebody preaching to you about how awesome the Divine Crusader is away from the base of operations. But that doesn't mean that you won't be recognized on occasion. Just less frequently. You might find that people remember you more as the Divine Crusader in churches.

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