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help me please


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Unfortunately, weapon enchantments just aren't designed to work on the wielder. If you don't mind scripting, though, there are workarounds. The simplest method would be to create a spell instead of an Enchantment, set it to an Ability and give it whatever fortifies you want. Then go to Gameplay/Edit Script, click Script/New, (Keep it as an Object script) and write something like this.


scn MyEnchantedSwordScript
;scn is short for Scriptname.  It's required to give the script a unique name on the first line.

ref wielder
;This is declaring a variable that the script can use later.  
;Ref variables hold references, and short/float variables hold numbers.

Begin OnEquip
;Anything that actually produces an effect needs to take place in a Begin/End block.
;OnEquip blocks run, naturally, when the object in question is equipped.

 set wielder to GetContainer
;GetContainer returns the container or actor that has the object in its inventory.

 wielder.AddSpell MySwordEnchantment
;"Having" a spell means different things for different spell-types.
;For diseases and abilities, it means the player will experience their effects until they're removed somehow.
;For spells, lesser powers, and greater powers, it means having the spell as an option in their spellbook.
;This is why it's important that our "Fake Enchantment" spell in an ability.

Begin OnUnequip
;Guess when this block runs.
 set wielder to GetContainer
 wielder.RemoveSpell MySwordEnchantment


Attach that script to your weapon, and you should gain the benefits of the "Fake Enchantment" ability whenever you have the weapon equipped.

Ok, i'm a complete beginner, i have never even looked at the construction set before today. I found this when i was looking for away to add a spell to an item in such away that it becomes a castable spell in your spell-book once you have the item equipped and is removed when the item is removed. Is there an easy way of doing this or do i have to use something similar to the script above. To clarify it isn't a weapon item i want to add this effect to its an apparel item of some sort.


Any help with this would be much appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


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