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Anyone out there willing to try and make a old school pedal bike to ride around Skyrim? I think that would be awesome! Even if there wasn't any pedal animation, that would be sweet too!


Sometimes you just need to take a leisurely bike ride around town :)


Someone please do this for me!

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Anyone out there willing to try and make a old school pedal bike to ride around Skyrim? I think that would be awesome! Even if there wasn't any pedal animation, that would be sweet too!


Sometimes you just need to take a leisurely bike ride around town :)


Someone please do this for me!


Dude I was so thinking about this the other day. My friend suggested that the pokemon bike theme should play when you get on it.... Hahahha. I think it would be awesome.... horribly anachronistic but then again, there's a mod that turns all bridges into psychedelic pink colours, so..... >.>


If any animators out there want to do this, i will worship you forever and ever!

Edited by archerkb
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Anyone out there willing to try and make a old school pedal bike to ride around Skyrim? I think that would be awesome! Even if there wasn't any pedal animation, that would be sweet too!


Sometimes you just need to take a leisurely bike ride around town :)


Someone please do this for me!


I will also be doing of the worshiping...thing...

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