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New to DA modding...

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Long time mod user, and have done a few mods for other Bioware games, but I'm running into issues with Dragon Age Origins.


Is it possible to mod DA:O without using the Dragon Age Toolset? Particularly the .dlg files and scripts. Reason I ask is I've been trying to install the Toolset onto any of my computers for several months now, and keep getting the dreaded "Unable to connect to database" message. I've been looking on the Bioware forums, and have tried a number of different things to get it to work, and no luck. Recently I re-downloaded a gff editor I used to use with KOTOR, and was able to successfully edit some .utc and .uti files, but the dialogue editors I used to use won't work on the Dragon Age .dlg files.


All I'm really looking to do is make a few small edits to mods I already installed, maybe add a small quest or two, but mostly just dialogue work. And I've pretty much given up hope on getting the Toolset to work. :\

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