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Unofficial Oblivion Patch not detected in launcher


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I fresh installed Oblivion on my PC and everything was going good until I tried to install the unofficial oblivion patch. I unzipped the folder to my oblivion folder and right now the game doesn't show the unofficial patch as a mod in the list of mods.





I tried the nexus mod manager but I need someone to walk me through everything I need to do. I couldn't get the mod manager to work. It stalls when it tells me it needs to read the files or something after installing it.


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if it doesn't show , it probably means you haven't installed it properly (I guess you either extracted the files into the wrong folder , or you have set it with the wrong folder structure)

as for NMM , what you see is NMM searching for your installed games (at least I think that is what you are describing)

whatever the case , stop what you are doing and go read (or watch) a tutorial about using NMM if that is the mod manager you wish to use

for Oblivion I think Wrye Bash is better suited (though it is a bit more complicated to use , but it'll be worth it) . so I suggest you go and read (or watch) a tutorial about using Wrye Bash , install it and use it to install mods (and remove your attempt of manually installing the unofficial patch)

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