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Papyrus script needed to find safe spawn points in a house or inn


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This is for my mod Sands of Time. The mod supplies ambushes while sleeping or fasr traveling. Instead of having npcs spawn right next to sleeping player I would like to let them spawn sometimes outside the room. The player will wake up and "Hear a noise".


But I cannot find papyrus code to scope out the inn or house and place an xmarker for the npcs to spawn. I need the script to perhaps look for other npcs and place an xmarker there with the move command.


Any ideas?

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short of placing the spawn points exactly where you want them by hand in every inn,house,etc... nope


anyway, isn't it enough with the hired thugs that come after you for tripping over some vase or taking stuff from dead people's houses or killing wolves?...just sayin'

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It makes sense in the context of my mod, check it out.


I treid teh below, the seond line will not compile...


SpawnInCell = Game.GetPlayer().GetParentCell()

SpawnInCell.PlaceActorAtMe (Ambushers1, 1)


Spawn in cell is a Cell variable deffined as such.

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Fg109: No, I do not. While I have it installed I really do not want to force players to use it. I do realize that it makes life harder since basically I need a non existent function.
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Static Property COCMarker Auto

Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
Actor TempActor
int Count
while !TempActor && (Count < 10)
	TempActor = Game.FindRandomActorFromRef(Player, 4096.0)
	if (TempActor == Player)
		TempActor = None
	Count += 1
if (TempActor)
	Debug.Trace("Found an actor within one cell length that's not the player!")
	TempActor.PlaceActorAtMe(Ambusher1, 1)
ObjectReference MarkerRef = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfTypeFromRef(COCMarker, Player, 4096.0)
if (MarkerRef)
	Debug.Trace("Found a COC marker within one cell length of the player!")
	MarkerRef.PlaceActorAtMe(Ambusher1, 1)
	Debug.Trace("No COC markers or actors found within one cell length of the player.")

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fg109, you have earned the dubious distinction of co-credit on my mod page! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12452



Works good so far, with needed changes to fit my script.


two questions thpugh:


What if the player is sleeping outside though? where there is no other npc or coc? Is the best thing to do a outside location test and code the spawns a bit far assuming open space? see example below:


and what if the player has a companion or pet? Can they be exempted from the npc check? How would you add that to the code?


Thank again!!




;do outside distance spawning where spawn1 and 2 are xmarkers and hero is player

whereA1 = Utility.RandomFloat(-1600,1600)

whereA2 = Utility.RandomFloat(-1600,1600)

whereB1 = Utility.RandomFloat(-1600,1600)

whereB2 = Utility.RandomFloat(-1600,1600)



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You can add in a check for the NPC's rank in CurrentFollowerFaction. Obviously, this method of checking is not very reliable, because it relies on getting random actors around the player. With vanilla papyrus, you can only search for closest or random.


If you are willing to use SKSE, GetNumRefs and GetNthRef will let you go through every actor in the cell, without needing to just pull one at random.

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