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See you Sleep in Skyrim


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To put it bluntly.. Sleeping is BOOOORING! Breaks immersion to stare at a blank screen for a good few seconds, especially when you have so many loading screens.

How about a mod where it shows you the animations of you getting in the bed, and then it shows the sleep duration menu, you set it to your liking, and then instead of a black screen, you may watch yourself peacefully catch some Z's for the duration of the slumber. Lovely right? I sure think so.


I believe something like this was done in Oblivion. But that was the ONE mod, I could never for the life of me get to work.. I still to this day am not sure why, tried just about everything, t'was very odd indeed..


Anyway.. I looked and I was surprised nobody had done this mod yet. It was popular in Oblivion, sure to be popular in Skyrim if done well!


Well, if anyone wants to do this let me know. I'd sure download it. :)


Peace to thee, my peasants.

Edited by Electric0eye
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I wanted that oblivion mod in skyrim after day one i played the game...i really miss it.


Also the Dovahkiin relaxes mod, lets your character do the sleep animation, well its not exactly the sleep animation you see npcs doing, but still better then nothing.

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I wanted that oblivion mod in skyrim after day one i played the game...i really miss it.


Also the Dovahkiin relaxes mod, lets your character do the sleep animation, well its not exactly the sleep animation you see npcs doing, but still better then nothing.


Yeah I'm with you on that, an awesome mod idea!


Oh crap.. The thread! We need to work fast! It's dying! It's heart.. It's stopped!

Somebody give this thread some comments before we lose it! Don't be heartless!

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Do you see this?




This is sad kitty.

Sad kitty is sad because you didn't post a comment to keep this thread alive, so maybe one day we can have this mod in our game.

Don't be heartless. Every comment helps to keep this thread alive.

How could you be so cruel, it only takes a second.


Look at this kitty! LOOK AT IT! I SAID LOOK AT IT RIGHT NOW!!

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Do you see this?




This is sad kitty.

Sad kitty is sad because you didn't post a comment to keep this thread alive, so maybe one day we can have this mod in our game.

Don't be heartless. Every comment helps to keep this thread alive.

How could you be so cruel, it only takes a second.


Look at this kitty! LOOK AT IT! I SAID LOOK AT IT RIGHT NOW!!



I also want this mod!

I can't belive it still doesn't exist!

Is there anyone who wants to create it?

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I've been working on this since yesterday. I've managed to get the player to play the go to sleep animation, but I've run into a problem...


When the player is lying in bed and then tries to activate the bed, he/she just gets up. I haven't figured out a way to get it to show the sleep menu instead.

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I've tried a couple different things since my last post. From what I can tell, activating some animated furniture when an animated furniture is in use will only cause the player to stop using the current furniture.


Activating a bed causes the player to play the sleeping animation (what I've manged to get done so far). Activating a chair causes the player to play the sitting animation. Activating an alchemy station causes the player to play the mortar and pestle animation. Etc.


If the player is sitting in a chair when the bed is activated, then the player will get up off the chair. If the player is making potions when the bed is activated, the player will stop using the alchemy station. Similarly, if the player is lying in bed when the bed is activated, the player will get off the bed.


Until SKSE comes up with a function to call up the sleeping menu with a script command, this mod is impossible for me. Which is not to say it's impossible right now. I have no experience with Script Dragon, but maybe someone who does can make this.


For now, the best I could come up with is to create a clone of the player and have the clone play the sleeping animation, and then have the (invisible) player activate the bed to bring up the sleep menu. This has the drawback of the camera not following the clone.

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On the Dovahkiin relaxes mod page, scan down to the second mention of SeeYouSleep. It speaks about a portable bedroll added by the Dovahkiin relaxes mod that you can spawn and use to see yourself sleep whilst you game sleep.


Perhaps it is worth taking a look at how the author of that mod set that up, to see if it can be applied more universally.

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I have not taken a look at it, but I have a pretty good idea of how it works. The "Dovahkiin Relaxes Too" mod uses SendAnimationEvent in order to force the player into a sleeping/lying down pose. Since the player is not actually in bed, he/she can be scripted to activate a bed and have the sleep menu show up.


I didn't want to do it that way because there is no actual animation of getting in bed. Also, you can't really tell the bed height, so you have to guess at it, along with guessing whether or not it's a double bed (so you don't end up lying in the middle).


Anyway, someone else is already making the the See You Sleep mod: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1375589-wip-see-you-sleep-by-madmole/


I've given up on making it since it doesn't look like SKSE is going to have the functionality to pull up menus any time soon. This is what I had so far, using clones:



The menus don't seem to show clearly in the video for some reason.

Edited by fg109
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have not taken a look at it, but I have a pretty good idea of how it works. The "Dovahkiin Relaxes Too" mod uses SendAnimationEvent in order to force the player into a sleeping/lying down pose. Since the player is not actually in bed, he/she can be scripted to activate a bed and have the sleep menu show up.


I didn't want to do it that way because there is no actual animation of getting in bed. Also, you can't really tell the bed height, so you have to guess at it, along with guessing whether or not it's a double bed (so you don't end up lying in the middle).


Anyway, someone else is already making the the See You Sleep mod: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1375589-wip-see-you-sleep-by-madmole/


I've given up on making it since it doesn't look like SKSE is going to have the functionality to pull up menus any time soon. This is what I had so far, using clones:



The menus don't seem to show clearly in the video for some reason.

this looks already awesome for me, can u just upload it as a prebeta ?


or the version u wrote: "managed to get the player to play the go to sleep animation" that would be also perfect for me :O

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