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Disable visible Hud


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So, when I install Project Nevada first, then MCM and then Darnified, the Darnified HUD works. But then I get an error "The Mod Configuration Menu cannot access its menu files. Either the files are missing, an error has occurred with the NVSE plugin, or a firewall/UAC is preventing access. You may need to reinstall the mod, update your 32-bit Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package, or change your firewall/UAC settings." And when I install UIO after that, the HUD is broken:








EDIT: if you have the same problem, install Darnified first, then PN, then MCM and overwrite everything. Well this is fixed now, but there is the oHUD problem. I wanted to do this because I want a more realistic gameplay without the hud but with VATS. But since it does not even work when I only have oHud, I think i am giving up here.

Edited by michaelbonin
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As explained in the "HUD-UI-Menus" article, PN is configured for an older version of MCM. You have to make the edit given, and then PN will work correctly with it.


oHUD combines three UI mods by the same author together. Each has it's own section in MCM for configuring, but they are all stitched together by UIO


If DarnUI is "buggy" in that something is not sized correctly, you failed to install the font changes required.


If UIO is not working correctly, it is not installed correctly. But that is pretty hard as it works dynamically when the game is loaded. The only reason it wouldn't work is if the UIO support text file for the mod in question were missing.


All the mods you are having problems with are discussed and solutions provided in that article. They work together fine if you follow instructions.


All of which suggests you are skipping down to the "TL/TT;DR" section and not bothering to read the entire article. When things don't go as you expect, time to go back and RTFM. If you are having trouble understanding a particular part of it, ask specific questions here and I will explain (and.update the article if necessary).



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