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Elder Scrolls 6 Confirmed E3 2018!


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I hope Beth will continue the story of the Dragonborn in ES6. To me, he is the perfect protagonist with real superpowers and because of his dragonblood there is so much potential to develop him politically. IMO a story about retaking Tamriel against the perfect antagonist the Aldmeri Dominion is the way to go, with a supporting cast that include characters we have come to love/hate from Skyrim.


Fingers crossed.

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This... uhm... "Trailer" reminded me of this 4k demo from 2009 called "Elevated".


In case some smart kid says that it's not 4k resolution... the compiled demo's size is 4 kiloBytes, music and everything. That's about the size of two horrible Skyrim textures.


"We don't have the technology yet"


btw. "Skyrim 6" still gives me the giggles. Still waiting for Morrowind 2, though...

Edited by metaphorset
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Some people are saying it's perhaps based in High Rock, I guess based on the fact that there is a high, rocky mountain in the trailer.

Also it's a mostly human habitat, which most ES games are set in. It's a possibilty I guess.

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I was hoping for TES6 to be set in either valenwood or summerset isles. ( Or unrealisticly both a guy can dream. ) But if like someone said earlier on this tread the next game encompass both high rock and hammerfell. That is something worth letting a scroll game sink it's fangs into my lifeforce about.


The one thing that bother me a little is an ( unconfirmed ) rumor. About the fact that since the creation of the creation club ( No pun intented. ). Dlc like we are use to, will no longer exist. Beth will simply make "mods" of their own and put them there. Like i said i dont know if it's true. ( I hope it's not. ) But given the fact that bethesda as shoved the CC down our collective throat. Despite the overwhelming majority of their gamers fanbase LOUD stance against it. I would'nt be surprised.

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Well, a new reason to temper expectations has come up. Apparently Fallout 76 (the next Fallout), is going to have no true solo mode. They will have something technically labelled "solo mode" but all characters with the exception of robots will be played by other players (no idea how that's even supposed to work, since most NPCs fill mostly generic roles).

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