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Faster Weapons and Deathblow Multiplier mods not working

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Mods placed in the "\override" folder do not appear in the list of "Installed Content". Only one packaged as a ".dazip" (and therefore, just like the official DLC, complete with an associated manifest and contents file, and placed in the "\AddIns" folder) will show up there.


As far as "not showing up in-game", how can you tell? Deathblows simply increases the likelihood but doesn't make it automatic, and which version of the weapon speed multiplier did you select?

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So when you place a mod in the override folder, you have no way of knowing whether or not it worked other than playing the game itself? I wish that little tidbit had been on the Using Dragon Age Mods for Dummies page. Or this page.

"Yes" to your question. (And both "Using Dragon Age Mods for Dummies", and "Installing Dragon Age mods that use the Override Folder" articles are wiki pages, so if you think something should be added, feel free! :thumbsup: )

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