stukinthesky Posted June 12, 2018 Share Posted June 12, 2018 Hi there , As the title says every time I try to get inside Jorrvaskr the game crashes. I figure it is one of my mods, because if I just run skyrim with nothing but SKSE I get right in. However , when enable all my mods I crash. I cant even get in using COC commands. Any help /advice would be appreciated. I am a bit of a tech and mod newb , but I do use LOOT and try to make sure Im installing mods that work together and do not conflict. Here is my List sorrted with LOOT : 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 hdtHighHeel.esm 7 7 OSA.esm 8 8 RSkyrimChildren.esm 9 9 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 10 a HighResTexturePack01.esp 11 b HighResTexturePack02.esp 12 c HighResTexturePack03.esp 13 d stave-casting.esp 14 e Rebirth Monster.esp cleaner_castlevolkihar3.esp 15 f Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp 16 10 OBIS.esp ts_slinkyleotard.esp 17 11 [Melodic] Risque Lingerie.esp 18 12 IcePenguinWorldMap.esp 19 13 UIExtensions.esp 20 14 AddItemMenu2.esp 21 15 AH Hotkeys.esp 22 16 FISS.esp 23 17 AMatterOfTime.esp 24 18 Veydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover.esp cleaner_molagbaloutfit.esp cleaner_volkiharattitudeadjustment.esp 25 19 AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp 26 1a Differently Ebony.esp 27 1b Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp 28 1c Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 29 1d Skyrim Unbound.esp 30 1e Aspen Manor.esp 31 1f Beards.esp 32 20 Bee_V.esp 33 21 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 34 22 Brows.esp 35 23 SexyLingerieSet.esp 36 24 ogDiverseDragons2.esp 37 25 Elisif Makeover.esp 38 26 EverybodyLovesDovahkiin.esp 39 27 Facelight.esp 40 28 FNIS.esp 41 29 HallgarthAdditionalHair.esp 42 2a HelmetToggle.esp 43 2b Hunters Not Bandits.esp 44 2c Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 45 2d SaturationBoost.esp 46 2e AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 47 2f Immersive Weapons.esp 48 30 Thieves Guild Requirements.esp 49 31 SMIM-Merged-All.esp 50 32 MYLadies.esp 51 33 Ysgrette Follower Or Aela Replacer.esp 52 34 OpulentOutfits_Replacer-2017.esp 53 35 Immersive Patrols II.esp 54 36 SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp 55 37 ElysiumEstate.esp 56 38 ssapbwk.esp 57 39 Draconic Bloodline.esp 58 3a ESPv1_1.esp 59 3b LostGrimoire.esp 60 3c MasterSpellsShouldBeMasterful.esp 61 3d sandboxcylinderheight.esp 62 3e OBISDB.esp 63 3f One With Nature - DG+DB.esp 64 40 Perk Points at Skill Levels 50-75-100.esp 65 41 Quick Wait and Sleep.esp 66 42 RaceMenu.esp 67 43 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 68 44 Real Roads.esp 69 45 TheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.esp 70 46 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp 71 47 My Home Is Your Home.esp 72 48 Advanced Alteration - Kinetics.esp 73 49 SkyUI.esp 74 4a TimingIsEverything.esp Sneak Tools.esp 75 4b Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp 76 4c ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp 77 4d Instant Mastery.esp 78 4e Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 79 4f Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp 80 50 FMR Ordinator Patch.esp 81 51 HavenBag.esp 82 52 RSChildren.esp 83 53 Serana.esp 84 54 Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp 85 55 SkyTweak.esp 86 56 SmartCast_1_0.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp 87 57 Warhammer Sorceress Robes.esp 88 58 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 89 59 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp 90 5a Spousetocustomhome.esp 91 5b SVBeards.esp 92 5c Toccata.esp 93 5d UNFU.esp 94 5e UnreadBooksGlow.esp 95 5f Veitizion Follower.esp 96 60 SOSRaceMenu.esp 97 61 XPMSE.esp 98 62 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 99 63 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp100 64 RealisticWaterTwo.esp101 65 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp102 66 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp103 67 RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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