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Once again - Samurai Gear


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First of all - yes, I checked in search same topics, before resurect it again and again.


Basic idea in little words - Samurai gear, mainly, armor.


Why no - because it's not lore friendly and, as most of us think - is big mistake. I think like that too, but:


Why yes - because it's all what mods are for - FUN. And, as I noticed, there's 'lot of people, who undoubtly will have fun with samurai armor in game. Me too, but:


Why not even any try - and that's where I can't get any proper, reasonable point, which isn't first 2 'why' (because, mostly, discutions go around them, which is... I think... kinda stupid.).


I mean - there's so many discutions and no proper activity. I understand meaning of 'no time', but if there's time for other mods, than it's only interest question. Can it rly be problem about that ALL mod developers, actualy, have no interest in such thing... even single person? Kinda ridiculous, isn't it?


I know that's kinda harsh topic, but I analyzed and want to clear things - Is it possible to request Samurai armor, or there's no any real chance?

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