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More Detailed Forge Mod Needed!!!


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A few forge issues that should be addressed...


Fur Armors: Fur armors should look like the animal the fur came from. Based on the standard game, you need leather to create fur armor, which doesn't make much sense. You should need actual fur, and the fur armor should look like the animal the fur came from. A fur armor set made from saber tooth fur should have that color, and come with some sort of saber tooth cat hood or something.


Armor Leveling: The usual armor leveling process of Skyrim involves you starting with some cheap armor (either light or heavy) and then learning to upgrade it over time. Then having to switch from that conventional armor to some sort of magic special armor in order to compete with the threats you find after having leveled your character. Simple leather armor won't keep you safe against enemies leveled at 70 or 80. But that forces you to switch from conventional armors which fit the scenery to magic armors which look too fantastical. Why not allow for all armors to be relatively similar in traits. Obviously a special armor like Glass would allow for more protection, but it shouldn't be so much better than leather/fur armor that you have to make the switch. You should be able to continually upgrade simple armors to keep them around, without the need of cheating.


Clothes Crafting: You should be capable of making clothing as well. There are enough cloth related items in the word that creating clothes should be simple. Also, there are some clothing items you might like to keep but change the enchantments on them. For instance, I like the look of the low level mage's clothes. But I don't want the low level enchantments. So I should be able to make a set of mage clothes, then enchant them myself.

Weapon and Armor Upgrading: When you want to upgrade a steel sword you need an ingot of steel. That makes sense, but the weapon doesn't change at all besides its traits. But this also means it's too easy to upgrade weapons and armor. Why not require the main ingredient of the weapon/armor, but also another ingredient as well? For instance, if you want to upgrade a steel sword from Lv1 to Lv2 you will need one steel ingot and one silver ingot. Then when you equip the sword again it is still steel, but has silver trim. Then from Lv2 to Lv3 you need a gold ingot as well, which gives the sword a gold trim. Then you'll need a ruby or diamond or something.


A single mod that would do all this would be nice. Rather than having to find dozens of crafting mods that all do different things and can't be on at the same time.

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