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Intro Sequence camera issue.


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Hello Everyone. Recently I started a new character.

The intro sequence behaves strangely. Normally you see the ceiling fan spinning and you get up to Doc Mitchell going "Whoa whoa easy" and then you are sitting on the bed as he talks to you.

In my case im like really close to the fan ( I cant even see the whole thing). Then in the get up sequence im actually standing up and Cannot even see the Doctor. just the stuff behind him and occasionaly the top right of his head sort of on the bottom left of my screen. then everything proceeds as normal.

This is a modded set up, but I havent installed anything recently and it worked before. I also Have tried disabling all mods to see if this would help. I even (just in case) Disabled any camera, physics, or animation altering mods completely just in case it interefered (such as asurah reanimation, 3rd person centered camera, ragdolls, hitman sneak etc)

I do run an ENB, which I usually disable for the intro sequence with the shift+f12 command so that the whiteout effect for the intro plays correctly (other wise youl see yourself standing then the game forces you into a lay down)

Im at a complete loss as to why this would be happening and am unfortunately not knowledgeable enough about the the game to know what animations and scripts that are used in the intro sequence to solve this myself.

Ive included screens of the issue.

this is all at defualt FOVs though previously ive played the game no problem at higher fovs with no issue during intro. I also play in 1920x1080 in case that helps.


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Haven't heard of this problem before. But your images look "blurry" to me, so ... Please see the 'Issue: ENB Blur' entry under theIssue: ENB Blur in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

I know you said you have disabled ENB using the command, but try disabling the D3D9.DLL file until after you get out of Doc's.



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Oh right. When I captured the the screen it was still from the effect the game gives you whenever your still waking up from the intro video. It has a blur in whether you have enb or not. I will give it a try just in case.

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