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Skyrim Slowed Down


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Hiya people,


I dont know what happend but my skyrim seems to freak out. Scripted events (i think) tend to load reeeeeaaaaallllllyyy slow or dont trigger at all...

For example if i start a new game everything works fine untill i enter the keep with hadvar or rogvir. When i entered the keep with rogvir he wasnt even there i had to wait for a couple of minutes before he appeared. Then he walked to the round chamber with the dead stormcloak he told me to pick up the gear from the body but even after i looted the body he keeps standing there for like 5 mins before he continues.

These kind of lagg moments happen with almost all the linear quests. Does anyone know what mod could be causing this? I dont really have any mods that change quests, only graphic enhancing, weapon, body, armor and building mods.


Any tips on how to trace down the problem?


Much appreciated,

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Any tips on how to trace down the problem?


good question,


I assume you use the latest version of skyrim, If not please update.


First, Cancel ALL mods, Is there is still a problem?

If so you need to reinstall the game

If not activate the mods one by one and check what mod cause the problem.

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If you suspect scripts then you should turn on script debugging...



Scripts from mods can often hang around and cause issues even after you untick the ESP... so you will need to check the instructions for each mod before removing it - or start a new game.

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