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In the Russell follower mod, i was prompted to tell him I killed The Judge despite never even hearing of him


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I don't know why, I've seen other playthroughs where you're prompted to say you've never heard of the judge. I have NV Bounties 1 and 2 installed, and started 1, but have not even killed a bounty yet. I also have The Someguy Series installed.

Edited by SamJaa
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The Russell mod is separate from the NVBounties mods, though they share an ESM in order to be aware of events between the mods. Sounds like they got out of synch: you did something in NVB1 that the Russell mod thinks means you have killed the Judge.


Are you saying you can't get out of the dialog with Russell without agreeing that you have "killed the Judge"? That would be a bug. You would need to look up that dialog (from Russell) in the GECK, determine what variables are enabling that line of dialog to be made available, and either reset the variable or edit the result script to permit a negative response. OR determine what event caused that flag variable (perhaps a quest stage) to be set and go back to a save prior to that point and make a different choice.



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