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Ysgramor Based Helmet Request


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I was searching around looking for Ysgramor armor mods(there aren't any sadly), and found that someone was working on one. I don't think he is working on it anymore(hasn't updated or said anything about it for months),and I found a picture of the model he was using. Here's the link (ignore the hammer) http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/349/c/f/skyrim_models_by_gravedfish-d4j7bd9.jpg . I'm not asking for you to make like a thread for it and make the mod public(it's your choice),I kind of want it to be more of a personal use kind of mod.

Here is the link I got the pic from (notice the post dates) http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/505146-armor-of-ysgramor/

Please Reply :D

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