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Mods in Bash Patch not recognized by LOOT


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So, when making a bashed patch I usually include all mods that pop up. Sometimes, when including a mod in the bashed patch (therefore disabling the plugin), LOOT stops recognizing them.


For example

Morrowloot Ultimate has a ton of patches (all of which I have installed)

If I include these patches in my bash patch, loot tells me that they are missing.


My question: Is loot right and should I not include those in the bashed patch? Or should I ignore loot?


It is hard for me to test whether these mods function properly when loading the patches in the bashed patch.



Here is a screenshot of what happens:


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That's just normal. LOOT also scans deactivated files. It gives out a warning, if it detects useful patches, that aren't enabled. That's what you read. LOOT however can't check, if the content of these patches is incorporated into a bashed patch.


So, bottom line: Ignore LOOT on this.


Be careful though: In some (rather rare) cases plugins that are put into a bashed patch don't function the way they should. Many mods mention things like these in their comments section or in the mod's description. In other cases, you'll find out yourself that something went wrong. Just do some testing before starting a serious playthrough. It's somehow a matter of trial and error, until you know, which mods to include in a bashed patch and which to leave standalone...

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Thank you for your reply. In my case, it is very hard to test if they are actually working since most things are very very small patches. And especially with MLU, most things are intangible and happen "behind the scenes".


Thing is, I used to never have all these messages in LOOT, and today I do. Normally I had 2 messages in LOOT, today I have 15. Did loot update or something?

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I believe it does not matter as I remember GamePoets or DirtyWeasel (i forgot which one) saying that LOOT even orders mods within the bashed patch correctly.


You must have misunderstood something. LOOT sorts plugins, nothing else. It certainly doesn't change the contents of plugins themselves in any way.


It's exactly like QuagaarWarrior said: Sort your load order with LOOT. Make manual adjustments, if necessary. Then create the bashed patch. Every time you change your load order and/or add new mods, you definitely have to create a new bashed patch.

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