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Lake Home Testing - LF answers


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Howdy fellow modders!


I'm trying to get some issues solved with my first modding project, it's a bit ambitious for a novice, but I don't mind learning. Here's the link to my project if you want to view/download it: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16967#content Please take a look at the file, I've spent 3 weeks on this, there is also a secret hallway with a nice surprise.


Now for the questions:


Nav-meshing: either I need someone who loves doing this or I need a step-by-step guide; I'm having trouble pin-pointing information that isn't convoluted, can someone help?


Limitations: my file in CK is at 95% (X out of 157.00), does this mean if I reach the threshold (100%) the file will become too much for the game or my computer? What's this referring to?


Major issue of concern for my CK file is I've noticed in the Cell Window an asterisk * next to cell names... When I auto-generated a nav-mesh for my interior and finalized it later on, I clicked on finalize "all meshes" or something with "all" in it and that created asterisks next to all the interior cells. This has slowed down my save file dramatically on saving and loading the file, however no difference in-game. My concern is, I don't know what this did or what it has done in-game to cells I wanted to make no changes to. Can anyone tell me if I should be concerned about this? And if it is an issue, how can I isolate my cell and transplant it into a new file or what would be the best course of action? Mostly I'd like to not have the *'s next to those cells I need not change.


Markers: with the bathtub, I've placed markers for sitting and laying-slant in the tub, however I'm encountering trouble with finding information on how to make the markers work in-game, I'd think they require triggers but I have no clue which ones to use. Also the markers over-lap because I want to be able to use the tub two or three positions, is this possible?


Mannequins question: is it ok for Xmarkers to overlap? If you look at the file you'll see what I'm trying to do with the 7 mannequins placed in a circle, why 7? Because I've read they can't face north. Also an issue with my nav-mesh with the mannequins is that the platform they are on is a slightly higher than the floor and auto-generate did not set it underneath them, so I modified the triangle by pulling it right under their feet, I consider it sloppy and very difficult to modify the nav-mesh, I couldn't figure out how to add points even though I read the CK wiki.


Final question: can I copy display cases from other cells and plop them in my house or is this bad? It seems some things work, so I'm curious as to what the standard is.


Please give me any advice/information/feedback! I'm an ambitious novice and this is my first mod. :D


Thanks for reading,


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Use this mod for mannequins, display cases, etc. Just copy and paste. It saves a lot of time.

The asterisk (correct me if I'm wrong) usually means you've edited some item or part of that particular cell.

The * out of 157 MB thing shouldn't concern you too much. I've gone way over the 157 and have read elsewhere that you'll be ok. If it lags just use Room portals to optimize your cell. There is a good tutorial for them on YouTube by Bethesda.

Hoped I answered some of your questions. Happy modding!

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Use this mod for mannequins, display cases, etc. Just copy and paste. It saves a lot of time.

The asterisk (correct me if I'm wrong) usually means you've edited some item or part of that particular cell.

The * out of 157 MB thing shouldn't concern you too much. I've gone way over the 157 and have read elsewhere that you'll be ok. If it lags just use Room portals to optimize your cell. There is a good tutorial for them on YouTube by Bethesda.

Hoped I answered some of your questions. Happy modding!


Thanks for making this more clear! And that resource mod is awesome,.. thx for the link!

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