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NPC & Dialogue Issues


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Been working on this for most of the night, but can't seem to find a way around it.

I've been out of state (ie away from the computer) for a grip and just recently came back, let my Skyrim update, and jumped into the game only to find that ALL NPCs have lost the ability to speak with me.

In other words, the 'E' key no longer pops up on the HUD, thus eliminating the ability to initiate conversations - though 'E' still comes up on the HUD for picking up items.

I'm curious if anyone know's of a solution, or if I just have to wait for the next update..?

If you need any more information, simply ask.


Edited by birdsandbees
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I have the same problem, though it seems to happen when I fasttravel. After fasttravelling, the "E" button shows, but no NPC interacts with me. If I save and load I can talk to them, but I would prefer not to have to do that every time I go to a new place.. This has never happened to me while playing until ~2 hrs ago.


Edit: Seems to occur every time I enter a new zone, not only by fasttravel.

Edited by skrepmaja
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